Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 9/20/21
20 September 2021 News
Milwaukee Man Found Guilty In Drug Overdose Death
Following a week-long trial a Fond du Lac County jury Friday found a 29-year-old Milwaukee man guilty of being party to the crime of first degree reckless homicide in the March 27th 2020 drug overdose death of a Waupun man. Sonny Vincent Lawrence was found guilty of supplying the man with fentanyl at a residence in Fond du Lac. A sentencing hearing will be scheduled.
Dodge County Drive Sober Results
The Dodge County Sheriff’s Office made 18 arrests for operating while under the influence during the recent “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign. Deputies made 114 traffic stops during the campaign which ran from August 18th through September 6th. Deputies cited 17 people for speeding violations, 8 for operating after revocation or suspension violations, made 2 drug arrests and 11 misdemeanor arrests. The goal was to deter impaired driving. Sergeant Jeremy Wolfe says residents can do their part as well by never allowing someone who is impaired to get behind the wheel.
Power Outage In Berlin
The City of Berlin went through a power outage Friday morning. An Alliant Energy spokeswoman says it began just before 6 am and power was fully restored just after 7:30 am. The outage impacted about 2,500 customers. She says a piece of equipment failed causing the outage, but Alliant crews worked diligently to remedy it and restore services.
Ripon Just As Susceptible To COVID 19
A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says no more how isolated a community is it is not immune to the current surge of the virus. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says Ripon is a perfect example of that. He says COVID activity in the community is just as high as anywhere else in the county. He notes it is easy to lull yourself into a false sense of security about the impact of the virus, but people commute to other communities for work and recreation on the weekend. He says Ripon is just as vulnerable as another community in and around Wisconsin. According to Fond du Lac County’s latest statistics for the two week period ending September 12th Ripon had 51 cases of COVID -19. Fond du Lac County itself was in the majority of counties in the state with a very-high level of COVID-19 activity.
FDL County Worker Relocation Incentive Program
The Director of Business Client Services for Envision Greater Fond du Lac says they’ve had some good response for the new Fond du Lac County Worker Relocation Incentive Program. Bernadette Ericksen says the application period opened on September 1st and four employers have responded, but on the flip side more than 65 people looking for jobs who would be willing to relocate sent in their resumes. She says the program is open to any business or industry trying to recruit employees. Ericksen says through the program employers can offer up to $15,000 in incentives and if an employee works for them for 12 months straight they will be reimbursed for half of the incentives they offer. The program involves a partnership between Envision, Fond du Lac County, and the Fond du Lac County Capital Resource Program. To learn more about the program call Envision at (920) 921-9500.
Vaccine Videos
The coordinator for a Vaccine Diversity Grant the Fond du Lac Area United Way received from the state is pleased with the marketing they’ve been able to do reach people of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and rural areas with their message. Tina Potter says that message is about the importance of getting vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus. Their marketing has included radio ads, billboards, on buses, videos, social media, and through pop-up vaccinations clinics. She’s especially pleased with the videos SSM Health put together, which feature doctors talking about the importance of the vaccine. An example of one of those videos can be seen on the Hometown Broadcasting. com home page.
Green Lake Fitness Relocating
Three years after becoming the operator of the Town Square Community Center-owned Green Lake Fitness, Colton Burt is moving the popular fitness facility to another location in Green Lake. Mary Cyrier, president of Green Lake Renewal, the nonprofit organization that operates Town Square Community Center says they are thrilled with the success of the fitness center under Colton’s management. Green Lake Fitness launched at Town Square just a year after the community center opened its doors, and in eight years has grown into a well-known community asset. Green Lake Fitness is relocating to the old safety building, which the Alexander Company is developing into condo development.
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