Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 8/25/21
25 August 2021 News
Elderly FDL Man Arrested For Fourth OWI
The State Patrol arrested an 88-year-old Fond du Lac man for his 4th operating a motor vehicle under the influence offense Monday night. A trooper was doing traffic enforcement patrol and observed a vehicle operating on the wrong side of the road on Rolling Meadows Drive at Military Avenue near the BP gas station in Fond du Lac. While the trooper was doing a roadside interview with the vehicle’s operator, Arthur Aigner, admitted to drinking earlier in the day. Aigner showed signs of impairment during field sobriety testing and was arrested and was taken to the Fond du Lac County Jail on an OWI 4th offense charge. He was also cited for operating left of center.
Design Contract For Ripon Senior Center And Trailhead Project Approved
The Ripon Common Council this week approved an agreement with MSA Professional Services for the architectural design for the Grace and Lloyd Mitchell Senior Activity Center and Trailhead building in Murray Park. The estimated cost of the building is $1.6 million. It will be located on the south end of Murray Park on Murray Park Drive. A construction budget of $215,000 is being set aside for trail development. Final completion of the project will be in September of next year. The Council also approved a resolution authorizing Team Ripon to do limited bowhunting to control the urban deer population within the city. During the past 14 years the team has successfully removed a total of 182 deer within the city limits.
Fox Lake Man Charged For Chase
A 50-year-old Fox Lake man who led authorities in Dodge County on a chase early Saturday morning while he was allegedly under the influence has been charged. Cash bond was set at $60,000 when Jeremy Boerson made his initial court appearance Monday. He is charged with his fifth or sixth OWI offense, felony fleeing or eluding an officer, felony bail jumping and a misdemeanor charge of resisting or obstructing an officer. He returns to court today with a preliminary hearing scheduled for September 2nd.
COVID Vaccine Clinic At Ripon High School
The Fond du Lac County Health Department is offering a free walk-in COVID vaccination clinic at the Ripon High School this afternoon. The clinic is from 4 to 5:30 pm and is for anyone ages 12 and older who is interested in getting the vaccine.
Bowen Street Closure In Oshkosh
All lanes of Bowen Street in Oshkosh between East Lincoln Avenue and East Irving Avenue will be closed to traffic today from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. If weather doesn’t allow for the repair to be completed today, it may occur Thursday. Travel will be closed from both directions, and signage is being put into place to advise motorists of the closure in advance. Access to properties within the closure will be maintained as much as possible. The closure is due to an emergency water line repair that needs to be made. Motorists are urged to plan alternate routes and expect delays due to the closure there will be detours.
Conservation Effort Highlighted During Farm Day
State Senator Joan Ballweg recently attended a farm day at Avalon Farms in Green Lake County last Friday. She says it was sponsored by the Green Lake Farm Bureau and Green Lake Association. She says one of the things that was highlighted was a conservation partnership that worked on the restoration of a stream on the farm that runs into Spring Lake and then into Green Lake. The state lawmaker from Markesan says the stream restoration effort on Avalon Farms was a 5-year-long effort that has really paid off.
Neshkoro Lions Hosting Lawnmower Racing
The Neshkoro Lions Club and Neshkoro Fire Department will host the Wisconsin Lawn Mower Racing Association races this Saturday afternoon at the Lions Club Arena off Highway 73 in Neshkoro. Dale, a spokesman for the Lions Club, says it will be a fundraiser for both them and the fire department. He says they will kick things off with the Classic Car Park and Shine at 10:30 that morning, with racing from 1 to 4 pm, a cash raffle at 4:30, music from Josh Schneider at 5 pm, and a bonfire at dusk. Plenty of food and beverages will also be available. He says COVID-19 prevented them from staging a fundraiser last year so both the Club and Fire Department can benefit from the event.
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