Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 8/10/21
10 August 2021 News
Third Person Dies From Injuries Suffered In Dodge County Accident
Dodge County Sheriff’s officials have released the names of the three people killed in a two-vehicle accident on Highway 151 in the Town of Beaver Dam Saturday afternoon. They say 87-year-old Frederick Schultz of Columbus was driving his Mazda north in the southbound lanes of Highway 151 just north of County B. His vehicle hit a southbound Kia driven by 68-year-old Richard Wagner of Saint Joseph, Illinois. Schultz died at the scene. Fifty-three-year-old Melissa Rees of Terra Haute, Indiana a passenger in the Kia died enroute to the U-W Hospital in Madison. Wagner was taken there but died later.
State Patrol Aerial Enforcement Missions Announced
The State Patrol is conducting aerial enforcement patrols in eight counties this week. The combined air and ground force enforcement effort of major highways kicked off in Barron County with a special focus on US Highway 53. Today’s focus is I-41 in Washington County. Among the counties where the speed and traffic patrols will be conducted is Waushara County and I-39 on Thursday. The purpose of announcing the aerial enforcement missions publicly is to reinforce the State Patrol’s goal to improve public safety through voluntary compliance of traffic laws, not simply to cite drivers.
Ripon Common Council Preview
The Ripon Common Council tonight will be asked to approve the Emergency Disaster Declaration issued by Mayor Ted Grant during the July 28th and 29th storms that left the city without power and caused major damage throughout. Per State Law the declaration needs Council approval. Damage was caused by straight line winds. The Council will also consider filling the vacancy in District 2 created by the resignation of Councilman Ben Morrison. The city received one application for the seat from Jonathan Gatzke who will be given three minutes to talk about his application and desire to serve on the City Council. The Council meets at 7 pm in the Council Chambers of the Ripon City Hall.
DPI New COVID Guidelines
The state’s Department of Public Instruction is strongly recommending school districts use newly updated COVID-19 recommendations when implementing local responses to the pandemic for the 2021-2022 school year. Among the DPI’s updated guidelines, schools are encouraged to require masks for all children and adults while indoors and used layered mitigation and prevention measures. State Schools Superintendent Jill Underly says many students and families desire in-person learning and a safe return to the classroom this fall. She says they want schools open for in-person instruction and to keep kids, educators and families safe.
Federal Coronavirus Aid For Wisconsin Hotels
Governor Tony Evers is passing along $70 million in federa coronavirus aid to Wisconsin hotels. Evers announced the move Monday. He noted grants of up to $2 million went out last Friday to 888 lodging businesses around the state to help offset losses caused by the pandemic. The money is part of $140 million in American Rescue Plan Act dollars designated for Wisconsin’s tourism and entertainment industries. It includes $11.25 million for movie theaters, $12 million for live-event small businesses, $2.8 million for minor league sports teams and $8 million for summer camps.
Highway 175 Project Starts Monday
Governor Tony Evers recently signed a $2.3 million contract to improve 7.1 miles of State Highway 175. Improvements will be made to a stretch that extends from the south Fond du Lac County line in the Town of Byron to US Highway 152 in the city of Fond du Lac. The project begins next Monday and should be completed in mid-Octo er. A full closure of State Highway 175 will take place during the first portion of construction or through mid-September. Access will be maintained to businesses and property owners in the work zone. Traffic will be detoured using I-41, US 151 and State Highway 49. From mid-September to October State Highway 175 will be open to traffic with lane closures and flagging operations.
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