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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 7/6/21

6 July 2021 News

Shots Fired In FDL

More than fireworks were being shot off in Fond du Lac early on the morning of the 4th Of July. Police say the Fond du Lac County Communications Center got two calls about possible gun shots fired in the area of Forest Avenue and South Military Road at 3:15 Sunday morning. Officers recovered shell casings in the roadway and a canvass of the area found a witness that saw a red color 4-door vehicle that pulled a U-turn at that intersection. The driver stuck a gun out the window and fired a number of shots straight up into the air as he drove off. No injuries were reported. Anyone with information about the incident is urged to contact Fond du Lac Police.

Motorcyclist Killed In Columbia County Accident

Alcohol may have been a contributing factor to a motorcycle crash in Columbia County on the 4th of July that claimed the life of a 50-year-old Cottage Grove resident. Sheriff Roger Brandner says the operator of the motorcycle was traveling through the corners on County Highway N near the Dane/Columbia County line when the bike left the roadway and entered the ditch. A passerby began CPR on the motorcycle operator. EMS staff performed life-saving-measures when they arrived, but to no avail the motorcycle operator died at the scene. Speed was not believed to be a factor in the crash, but alcohol may have been. The accident near Bristol Road in the Town of Columbus was reported at 3:16 Sunday afternoon.

House Fire In Lowell

Firefighters in Dodge County spent more than 6 ½ hours extinguishing a house fire at 320 Mill Street in the Village of Lowell Thursday night and Friday morning. Fire departments from Clyman, Lowell and Reeseville responded shortly before 6 pm Thursday night and put out the blaze. Nearly 20 other departments assisted at the scene. The cause of the fire is under investigation by the Clyman, Lowell, and Reeseville Fire Departments, the Dodge County Sheriff’s Office, and the Wisconsin State Fire Marshal.

Vehicle Thefts Reported In Waupun

Police in Waupun say they got multiple complaints last Wednesday morning from residents on Doty Street, Carrington Street and Reid’s Drive about someone entering and taking items from unlocked vehicles. A vehicle was also reported stolen from the 100 block of Carrington Street and another from the first hundred block of Reid’s Drive. The vehicle stolen from Carrington Street was later found in the City of Milwaukee. Residents are urged to lock their vehicles overnight and remove valuables or not leave them in plain sight.

Fatal Accident In Northern Wisconsin

The State Patrol Wausau Post worked at the scene of a fatal accident in Price County Saturday night. The one-vehicle rollover accident happened Saturday night at 6:30 on State Highway 13 northbound at Simon Road. Twenty-two-year-old Haley Robers of Elkhorn was driving her Jeep Cherokee between Phillips and Fifield when she lost control at the intersection of State Highway 13 and Simon Road and her vehicle overturned. She died at the scene of the crash.

Storing Fire Embers And Used Charcoal

With the grilling season in full effect Ripon Area Fire District Chief Tim Saul is reminding residents to safely dispose of their charcoals or embers from recreational fires. He says a house fire in Ripon a few weeks back resulted from someone not properly disposing of their used charcoals. He says even in a metal storage container, embers from a fire or charcoal will remain hot a long time and all they need is a little oxygen to reignite. He says on the off chance they do reignite when they are being stored keep them away from other things that are combustible and that could prevent you from experiencing what could be a serious fire. He also recommends storing those charcoals and embers for a few weeks before putting them out in the trash. 

Providing Additional Protections For Meat Processors

State Senator Joan Ballweg says they included additional monies in the State Budget for the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection for six additional meat inspectors and grants for meat processors. The state lawmaker from Markesan says one thing we learned during the pandemic’s early days is we needed more protections for meat processing plants. With some having to shut down when workers became ill with COVID-19 it interrupted the supply chain. She says DATCP and local providers really stepped up providing extra hours to restore that critical supply. She says in addition making grants available to meat processors will help them expand freezers or hire more workers. Ballweg says dairy producers have been afforded additional protections through the state in much the same way over the past 10 to 12 years. 

Youth Camp Outbreak

Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says a COVID-19 outbreak at a Youth Camp in Illinois demonstrates why our ideas about getting back to normal from the pandemic are so fragile. He notes 19 kids of the 47 children and counselors came down with the coronavirus because they had not been vaccinated when they were offered the opportunity.  He says having worked with youth summer camps that kind of news is distressing to him mostly because it was preventable. On the other hand he says the rate of vaccination for 12 to 16-year-olds swiftly moved into line with what other age groups in the population are at.
