Inmate That Died At The FDL County Jail Identified
21 June 2021 News
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office has released the name of the 72-year-old inmate who died in a medical cell at the county jail Friday night. Donald Forqurean of Fond du Lac was awaiting trial on charges stemming from an incident at his home in January of 2020. He was watching a Packer’s game on the TV with 49-year-old Nathaniel Johnson III of Oshkosh when Forqurean reached under a pillow and pulled out a pistol shooting Johnson in the chest. Johnson ended up at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee. As a result of the shooting he had suffered broken ribs, and had damage to his liver, kidney, and upper small intestine. The bullet lodged near the base of his spine. Forqurean allegedly told a detective he shot Johnson for flirting with a woman who was watching the game with them because she has a boyfriend. A witness told investigators Forqurean had been drinking quite a bit. Forqurean was found unconscious and not breathing in his cell Friday night. Life-saving measures failed to resuscitate him. The Calumet County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Fond du Lac County Medical Examiner’s Office and Wisconsin Corrections Department are investigating circumstances surrounding Forqurean’s death.
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