Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 6/29/21
29 June 2021 News
Dodge County Man Seriously Injured Handling Fireworks
Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt is cautioning residents about handling illegal fireworks after a 55-year-old Town of Lowell man was seriously injured during an accident Saturday night. Schmidt says the man was using large fireworks at W8282 State Highway 16/60 in the Town of Lowell when he received serious injuries to his hands and stomach. Due to the severity of his injuries MedFlight flew him to the U-W Hospital in Madison. Schmidt says fireworks are dangerous and most are in violation of state law.
Watertown Man Sentenced On Weapons Charge
A 29-year-old Watertown man was sentenced Monday in Dodge County court to 3 ½ years in prison and 3 years of extended supervision on felon in possession of a firearm and second degree recklessly endangering safety charges. Those charges against Paris Selvie stemmed from an incident near Division and Harold Street in Watertown in October of last year where Selvie fired three shots at a man he was arguing with. Selvie was there to confront the man about an argument they had on Instagram. After firing the shots, he fled the scene at a high rate of speed. Officers were able to arrest him at his residence and he showed them where he disposed of the weapon. It was found in a ditch was loaded and was ready to fire.
Proposed State Budget Includes Billion Of Dollars In Tax Cuts
The State Budget the State Assembly gets from the Joint Finance Committee today includes billions of dollars in proposed tax cuts. State Senator Joan Ballweg of Markesan says the economy in the state has been going like gangbusters so they are passing that along to taxpayers. She says that will include an income tax cut of $2.5 billion and more money is being put into schools and technical schools, which will also save taxpayers money. She says for a person making an average income and paying an average amount of property taxes it amounts to about a $1,200 cut in taxes. The State Senate will get the budget on Wednesday.
Coalition Thanks Tobacco Retailers
The Five Counties for Tobacco-Free Living Coalition as well as the Fond du Lac County Health Department is thanking Tobacco Retailers and their employees on their commitment in preventing tobacco product sales to those under the age of 21. The coalition collaborating with the State of Wisconsin Wins program provides engagement and educational opportunities for retailers with the goal of reducing tobacco sales to minors. Eighty percent of adult tobacco users started before the age of 18, so retailers play a crucial role in keeping kids tobacco free. When tobacco retailers and their employees continue to avoid selling to those under the age of 21, young people in Fond du Lac County have an increased chance of avoiding a lifetime of nicotine addiction.
Good Source Of Information On The COVID Vaccine
As a member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force Jeff Puhlmann-Becker has visited many online sites to get more information about the pandemic. He says one of the better sites that offers accurate information about the vaccine belongs to the American Society of Virology. He says they have a short video on their site that gives the top reasons for the need for the vaccine. He says the people of the society are experts on viruses so they are a good source for information about the coronavirus. He says for the two videos on COVID-19 including the top reasons for the need for a vaccine go to the society’s website at ASV.org/education.
Agnesian COVID Vaccinations
Agnesian HealthCare is transitioning from community vaccine clinics to offering vaccinations at Fond du Lac Regional Clinic locations. That includes Agnesian’s Fond du Lac location at 420 East Division Street on the fourth floor, Waupun Memorial Hospital on the second floor and Ripon Medical Center on the second floor. Starting Tuesday, July 6th interested individuals can receive their COVID-19 vaccines at clinic locations weekdays from 8:30 to 4 pm. Appointments can be made online at agnesian.com/vaccine, by phone at 920-926-8400, through SSM Health MyChart and walk-in appointments in Fond du Lac only. The hospitals in Fond du Lac, Ripon and Waupun since the first opening near the start of the year the sites have given more than 40,000 vaccines.
Ripon Rotary Golf Outing Returns
The Ripon Rotary’s annual golf out returns this August to the Tuscumbia County Club. Bill Boesch is the chairman for the event, which he says is their biggest fundraiser usually raising over $20,000 for scholarships and community efforts that they back. The cost is $85 which also includes an elegant dinner or non-golfers can attend just the dinner portion which is $20. Golfing that day starts with registration at 11 am and a shotgun start at Noon. The dinner is at 5:30 pm Among the community efforts they’ve backed in the past was Father’s Wally’s project to bring water to community in Panama. Boesch says this year they are focusing on the community because of the hard time people have had during the pandemic.
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