Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 5/24/21
24 May 2021 News
Pavement Buckling Possible
With warmer temperatures the state’s Department of Transportation is reminding drivers to be aware of the possibility of pavement buckling on roadways. Buckling occurs when the weather quickly goes from cool to very hot. It causes slabs of pavement to expand and push against one another. If the pressure becomes great enough, the pavement can buckle and create unexpected bumps or dips. The DOT recommends slowing down, buckling up and focusing your full attention on the roadway. Watch for slowing traffic and be ready to move over for all roadside workers, including highway crews as they repair damaged pavement.
Three Finalist For Oshkosh Schools Superintendent
The Oshkosh Area School District has narrowed its search for its next superintendent to three finalists and all three have some ties to the area. North Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Aaron Sadoff has been the superintendent of that district since 2009 and served as principal at the district’s Bessie Allen Middle School from 2006 to 2009. Shorewood School District Superintendent Bryan Davis also served as Superintendent of the Columbus School District from 2010 to 2015. The third finalist is Casandra Schug who has been superintendent of the Watertown Unified School District since 2011. The three finalists will be interviewed by the Oshkosh School Board and a community stakeholder group today. Superintendent Dr. Vickie Cartwright announced in March she will be stepping down on June 30th.
Oshkosh North COVID Vaccine Clinic
The Oshkosh Area School District will be hosting a second COVID-19 vaccine clinic in partnership with the Winnebago County Health Department. A Walk-in Clinic will take place at Oshkosh North High School from 4 to 7 pm tomorrow. A limited supply of 300 vaccine doses will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The vaccine clinic is open to anyone age 12 and older. Children under 18 must have a parent or guardian signed consent form or have that parent or guardian present. Forms are available at the district website. The vaccine is free and no appointment, identification, or insurance is required. A similar clinic was held at Oshkosh West High School last Thursday.
COVID Vaccine Outreach – Oshkosh Area School District
FDL County Offices Closed Memorial Day
The county offices in the Fond du Lac City/County Government Center, the Sheriff’s Office lobby window, the Portland Street Annex including the Veteran Services Office, the Department of Social Services and the Highway Department will be closed all day next Monday in observance of Memorial Day. The Moraine Lakes Consortium call center will also be closed all day next Monday.
Congressman Grothman Battles Against Teaching Of Critical Race Theory
Congressman Glenn Grothman is fighting against the teaching of Critical Race Theory in the boardroom, military, and classroom. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says it is inappropriate to teach children or even college students that the deck is stacked against them or that they are being held back by racist oppressors. “It is something that has seeped into corporations, seeped into the military and seeped into our schools both K-12 and universities in which you look at everything through the prism of race.” He says children shouldn’t be taught that they are victims, but rather that success in life is based on their own hard work. Congressman Grothman is the co-sponsor of several bills that would stop or prohibit the teaching of Critical Race Theory.
Number Of People Getting COVID Vaccine Slowing Down
A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says with the number of people getting vaccinated against the virus slowing down we have to remove any barriers that keep them from getting immunized. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says with the number of doses available that aren’t being used we’ve reached a slowing down in the number of people who are getting vaccinated. “Right now we are sitting around with a 130 million doses in this country that aren’t being used. So clearly part of it is, we’ve gotten better at distributing it and faster and there is more available, cut clearly the number of people being vaccinated has slowed down.” He says some barriers for people not getting vaccinated are distribution times and locations. He notes some people are too busy and don’t want to take time off the week and travel to get to a location that is distributing the vaccine. He says when the vaccine was first being distributed people would drive wherever they needed to get it.
Breakfast On The Farm On June 27th
Last June due to the pandemic the annual Breakfast on the Farm in Fond du Lac County was limited to a drive-through event. Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Parafiniuk says their Agri-Business Council is thrilled that this year it will be an in-person event. LaClare Family Creamery in Malone will host the event on Sunday, June 27th from 8 am to Noon. Parafiniuk says normally they feature a dairy farm, but LaClare is a goat farm that produces goat cheese. “People could come and learn where does your food come from what does a dairy farm look like? Now this time you get to see what a goat farm looks like and how goat farm is operated.” She says you can expect a good hardy breakfast and the usual fun associated with their Breakfast on the Farm. Advance tickets and more information are available at the Envision website. She says they will have a shuttle bus service in addition to the usual parking.
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