Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 5/17/21
17 May 2021 News
Missing Sheboygan Teen Found Dead
A missing Sheboygan teen was found dead Sunday. Sheboygan Police say the family of 17-year-old Jensen Horvat reported him missing Saturday and multiple departments and resources were used during a search. Some Sheboygan residents aiding in the search found his body Sunday. Police say there are no indications of foul play, but their investigation is continuing. They are asking people to keep Jensen’s family in their prayers.
RMC Will Vaccinate Kids 12 to 15 Years Of Age
Agnesian HealthCare/SSM Health will be among those health care providers vaccinating children 12 to 15 years of age against COVID-19. Nicole Gill is the Chief Nursing Officer at the Ripon Medical Center and Waupun Memorial Hospital. She says because they are minors those children will need to have a parental consent form signed. She believes they will accommodate kids and their parents by making more time available later in the day for them to be vaccinated. Ripon Medical Center will have a vaccine clinic available Tuesdays from 8 am to 4 pm with hours for walk-ins from 8 am to 3 pm starting tomorrow. She says people can call to make an appointment at 920-926-8400 or sign up through a MyChart account.
Oshkosh West Vaccine Clinic
The Oshkosh Area School District and Winnebago County Health Department will be holding a COVID-19 Vaccine Walk-in Clinic Thursday from 4 to 7 pm at Oshkosh West High School. A limited supply of 300 vaccine doses will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The vaccine clinic is open to anyone 12 and older, but children under 18 must have a parent/guardian signed consent form or have a parent or guardian accompany them. The vaccine is free and no appointment, identification, or insurance is required. Consent forms are available on the school district website.
COVID Vaccine Outreach – Oshkosh Area School District
Improved Pedestrian And Bicyclist Safety Aim Of Enforcement Effort
Oshkosh Police will be deploying officers specifically for pedestrian and bicycle enforcement from June through August. It’s hoped the effort will help decrease the numbers of accidents pedestrians and bicyclists are involved in. During 2020 the City of Oshkosh saw 4 crashes involving pedestrians that resulted in serious injury and one that resulted in a pedestrian’s death. Grants will help pay for the enforcement effort. Oshkosh Police thank those who are extra vigilant while their driving to make sure they aren’t involved in an accident with a pedestrian or bicyclist.
Jail Nurses And Teachers Appreciated
Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says it seems that just about everyone who works with their jail has been honored over the past few weeks. In addition to National Correctional Officers Week there were Nurses and Teacher Appreciation Days or weeks. The jail has a nursing staff that works 16 hours a day/7 days a week. They also have two teachers from the Fond du Lac School District that work with inmates. One of the teachers helps adult inmates work toward their GED if they haven’t completed their high school education. He says the other teacher and volunteers work with juveniles in the juvenile detention facility to keep their education on track for when they get out. Waldschmidt says they will actually be honoring the cooks in their jail in August.
EAA AirVenture Will Celebrate WW Two Anniversary Plus One
Unable to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the end of World War II because of the pandemic last year, EAA AirVenture will celebrate it this summer. Dick Knapinski of EAA says it will be 75 years plus one. “So we’re calling it World War II 75th Anniversary plus one. We’re going to have warbird aircraft from throughout that entire area. Our Air Show people are putting things together that will look at the aviation history of that entire conflict.”) Other highlights will include some of the aircraft used by the Air Force Special Operations Command, which uses a number of special aircraft for their missions. Knapinski says some of the things usually associated with AirVenture will be skipped this summer because of the pandemic like the opening night concert and the Runway 5K. EAA AirVenture is July 26th through August 1st at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh.
State Patrol Open House Recruiting Event
The Fond du Lac Post of the Wisconsin State Patrol will be holding an outdoor Open House recruiting event from 1 to 7 pm on Wednesday, May 26th. Troopers and inspectors will be available to give a rundown of the current hiring timeline, share tips on how to prepare for a career with the State Patrol and answer questions. Along with enforcing traffic and criminal laws, State Patrol officers have the option of serving in specialty units. No law enforcement experience is required. The open house is timed to accommodate a variety of working schedules.
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