Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 5/14/21
14 May 2021 News
Eye In The Sky
If you’re traveling through Sheboygan County on Interstate 43 today you might be being watched from the air. The State Patrol will be using aircraft and ground-based officers to enforce speed limits and other traffic laws. State Patrol Superintendent Anthony Burrell says, “We choose to announce enforcement efforts like this to remind the public of the need to observe speed limits” He adds that the goal is public safety through voluntary compliance with traffic laws. Burrell points out excessive speed was a contributing factor to a large number of 2020’s fatal crashes. Federal funds help make such aerial missions possible.
Ripon College Commencement Sunday

Ripon College will hold a limited, socially distanced Commencement 2021 ceremony outdoors this Sunday at 1 pm. All attendees must be pre-ticketed. All others can watch the ceremony via a livestream on the College’s website. Approximately 140 graduating seniors will take part in the ceremony. The theme for Commencement 2021 is Wisconsin Music: Riffs from the Heartland, honoring the significant musical heritage of the state. John Harmon of Winneconne, a widely acclaimed composer, jazz pianist and music educator will receive an Honorary Degree and the Fond du Lac County Health Department will receive the 2021 Founders’ Day Award. Sandy Polcyn of Ripon will receive the Distinguished Educator Award for dedication to teaching music and the Medal of Merit will go to Guy Runels Henshaw and Susan Siegel Henshaw of the Class of 1968 for their many financial contributions and Guy’s two decades on the Board of Trustees. Maria Dietrich will receive the 2020 Founders’ Day Award which was postponed from last year’s cancelled ceremony.
Substance Abusers Invited To Take The LEEAP
The Oshkosh Police Department is reminding the community about its L.E.E.A.P. program an acronym for Law Enforcement Addiction Assistance Program. It was created to help individuals who have substance use disorders to seek help from Law Enforcement without fear of being arrested and prosecuted. Eligibility for the program includes residents of Oshkosh and those currently attending school in Oshkosh. Anyone interested in the program should contact the Oshkosh Police Department at (920) 236-5700. Officers will meet with individuals and connect them with a Recovery Coach from Unity Recovery Services.
Shot And A Beer
Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says some health departments across the country are getting creative in offering incentives for those who are getting vaccinated. He says one of the more unique and funny ideas was for a “Shot and a Beer.” The department set up at a microbrewery offering a free beer for those who took a shot in the arm. “Setting up vaccine clinics in like microbreweries or places like that and if you get a vaccine they give you a free beer.” He says in that particular county offering the “Shot and a Beer” there were few takers during the regular vaccine clinics, but that added incentive at the microbrewery got four times as many takers. Puhlmann-Becker says it won’t push the nation any faster towards herd immunity, but all those shots do add up in the battle against the coronavirus.
National Correctional Officer Week Celebrated
Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says the corrections officers in their Jail play a vital role. National Correctional Officer Week was held last week across the nation. The former Jail Administrator says about half of the department’s workforce are employed by the jail. “But the other half of those 155 employees work in the jail and so it is a big part of our operation. Last week we honored correctional officers in National Correctional Officer Week and that was something that in 1984 President Reagan proclaimed just to recognize the work that corrections does across the country.” He says those correctional officers have the dual role of keeping the community safe and keeping offenders safe while they are doing time in the county jail.
Young Professionals Of FDL Week
The Young Professionals of Fond du Lac kick off their week-long celebration of Young Professionals week with a performance by D. Willy and the Souvenirs in the Great Hall Lounge of Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts. The event starts at 5:30 pm with the concert from 6 to 8 pm. Maeghan Greeno was the group’s Young Professional of the Year this past year. She says NAMI will be benefitting from all of their events scheduled through next Friday. “YPF Week is choosing to celebrate that May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We’ve actually chosen NAMI as our beneficiary. So, all of the events throughout the week will also be raising money for NAMI to help contribute toward their organization.” The Young Professionals of Fond du Lac Facebook page and website has more information about the events that will be held throughout the week. Also this weekend the group will hold a Painting in the Park on Sunday from 1 to 5 pm on Oven Island in Lakeside Park. YPF week is being sponsored by Society Insurance of Fond du Lac.
YPF – Young Professionals of Fond du Lac (ypfdl.org)
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