Drone Aids In Foot Pursuit
24 May 2021 News
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office used a drone to locate a man who had eluded two foot pursuits Sunday morning. It started out as a check welfare complaint on a woman who claimed a man was following her on State Highway 23 near Highway 151. A deputy was with the man who was the subject of the complaint when the man took off on foot and two foot pursuits including the use of a K9 were unsuccessful, but using a drone with thermal imaging deputies were able to locate the man in a creek behind the First Presbyterian Church on 4th Street Road. The Fond du Lac Fire Department extricated the man from the creek with a UTV. He was treated for minor injuries and was arrested on resisting and obstructing and bail jumping charges. He was also wanted on a warrant for domestic-related charges.
(Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s photos)

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