Underly Runs For State Schools Superintendent
1 April 2021 News
State Schools Superintendent candidate Jill Underly says she’s running for the head of the Department of Public Instruction job for the benefit of the kids of Wisconsin. The Pecatonica Area School District Administrator says she has over 20 year of experience in all facets of education including an Education Consultant and Assistant Director’s job with the DPI. “You know there are so many disparities and opportunities and it depends on where you are in Wisconsin as to what opportunities you have growing up in public education, but also in enrichment and extra-curriculars too. I ran because I saw a lot of that first hand.” Underly says the pandemic has tested the state’s educational system putting stress on students, staff and teachers. You can find out more about her run for State Schools Superintendent at her website underlyforwi.com.
To hear an interview with Jill Underly click here.
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