Slow Speed Chase In Winnebago and FDL Counties
12 April 2021 News
A 31-year-old Appleton man is facing charges for a vehicle chase that started in Winnebago County and culminated in Fond du Lac County early Monday morning. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s officials say the suspect’s vehicle was only going 25 miles an hour when it entered the county on Interstate 41 because of the successful deployment of a tire deflation device in Winnebago County. Another tire deflation device was used but failed to stop the vehicle, which was ultimately boxed in by Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies at I-41 near County Highway F in the Town of Byron. The suspect is facing felony eluding, recklessly endangering safety and operating while under the influence charges in Fond du Lac County and others for the original traffic stop he fled from in the City of Neenah. No one was injured during the chase which covered 18.5 miles.
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