Second Body Recovered From Lake Winnebago
2 April 2021 News
The Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Dive Team and the DNR returned Thursday to an area on Lake Winnebago where sonar had produced an image they wanted to explore further, but couldn’t due to darkness the previous night. Divers recovered the body of a second Fond du Lac man about 150 feet from where the other victim had been found. The water was approximately 8 feet deep. The body was turned over to the Medical Examiner’s Office to identify. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says he hopes the large gathering of family and friends of Dakota Goldapske and Michael Gohde who have been on the shoreline daily during recovery efforts can now gain some closure. The victim recovered Wednesday was identified as Dakota Goldapske and the victim recovered Thursday is presumed to be Michael Gohde. The two had been out canoeing when their canoe was overwhelmed by high winds and waves.
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