Officers Dragged During Traffic Stop On Interstate 41
2 April 2021 News
Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s officials are looking for a 43-year-old Milwaukee man who drove away from a traffic stop on Interstate-41 in the Town of Byron Thursday night dragging a Sheriff’s deputy and state trooper a short distance. The man was a passenger who had moved over to the driver’s seat when the driver got out of the vehicle and the deputy and two troopers were trying to prevent him from driving away. The vehicle was originally stopped for not having its headlights on after dark, but a deputy noticed the odor of marijuana coming from the vehicle as it was approached. The driver had been cooperating with officers. The deputy was treated at a local hospital for minor injuries. Neither trooper sought medical attention. The Milwaukee man is facing a number of possible charges when he is taken into custody including recklessly endangering safety and battery to a law enforcement officer.
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