Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday 4/29/21
29 April 2021 News
Former Dodge County Strip Club Owner And Manager Federally Indicted
Two men who ran a Dodge County strip club have been indicted by a federal jury on prostitution charges. According to U.S. Attorney Richard Frohling a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Wisconsin indicted 61-year-old Radomir Buzdum, formerly of Watertown, and 49-year-old Timothy Miller of Watertown for offenses related to the operation of the TNT/Wild Rose strip club in Lebanon in Dodge County. Buzdum is the former owner and Miller managed the strip club. Count one of the indictment deals with prostitution and counts two and three with false tax returns. Count one carries a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and counts two and three carry a maximum penalty of three years on each count.
New Green Lake County District Attorney Green Lake County has a new District Attorney. Governor Evers Wednesday announced the appointment of Gerise LaSpisa. LaSpisa is the assistant district attorney in Green Lake County and has been a prosecutor for thirteen years. Governor Evers says she is a great fit for the job. LaSpisa says she will work hard to make sure that all victims are treated with dignity and respect and that in each case, justice is served. She fills a vacancy created by the resignation of Andrew Christenson who was elected to serve as a circuit court judge in Fond du Lac County. LaSpisa will fill the remainder of Christenson’s term which ends in January of 2025. Goldstein Named Interim FDL Police Chief The Police and Fire Commission in Fond du Lac have named Assistant Police Chief Aaron Goldstein as the interim police chief for the department. Police Chief Bill Lamb is retiring on May 18th, which necessitated the naming of an interim chief while a search is conducted for the city’s next police chief. Chief Lamb has been in law enforcement for 33 years. Over 20 of those years were spent as a Chief of Police 10 of those years with the Village of North Fond du Lac and since 2011 as Fond du Lac Police Chief. The Fond du Lac Police and Fire Commission is in the process of selecting a search firm to assist with the search for a new police chief. They will meet next Monday to review application packets from executive search firms. Vetoed Bills A package of 11 bills recently vetoed by Governor Tony Evers would have used some of the Federal Coronavirus relief coming the state’s way rather than use taxpayer money in the State Budget. State Senator Joan Ballweg of Markesan says one bill would have helped out tourism –related businesses that were hurt by the pandemic like movie houses and the Thrasher and Grand Opera Houses in Green Lake and Oshkosh. She says another bill included a property tax cut. Ballweg says she’s hoping the Governor will use some of the federal money to help out businesses that were hurt by Safer at Home and other restrictions put in place to protect people from COViD-19. COVID Relief Funding Ripon Schools Superintendent Mary Whitrock says federal coronavirus relief dollars have helped the district continue its educational efforts in the wake of the pandemic. She says about $150,000 helped with staffing costs. She notes some of the money also paid for measures taken to protect both students and staff and an increase in nursing hours. Whitrock tells us they will be getting additional federal COVID relief dollars over the next two years. |
Blood Donations
An official with the Community Blood Center says the inventory of donated blood in Wisconsin is critically low. Juliana Falk says the pandemic slowed donations, which is still the case. A community blood drive was held in Neshkoro yesterday and walk-ins were welcome to fill appointed times that were vacant. Falk says every 2 seconds in the U.S. someone needs blood. The Community Blood Center supplies blood to a number of area hospitals. Falk says if you visit their website communityblood.org you can find a blood drive near you or you can call 1-800-280-4102.
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