Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 4/5/21
5 April 2021 News
Agnesian Offers Mass Vaccination Clinic
Agnesian HealthCare has learned that it will receive enough does of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine for an already planned mass vaccination clinic from 8 am to 4 pm Saturday. Agnesian does have available appointments for this Saturday, but they are expected to fill quickly. To schedule an appointment visit ssmhealth.com/mychart to sign up for a MyChart account you do not need to be an Agnesian patient to sign up or call (920)-926-8400. Lines are open weekdays from 7 am to 5 pm. COVID vaccine clinics are offered weekdays at Agnesian HealthCare facilities in Fond du Lac, Ripon and Waupun. Those clinics feature either the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines.
Stimulus Bill Contributing To Inflation
Congressman Glenn Grothman says there will be a cost for the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill passed into law. He says you can’t just print money to give to people, which the bill in effect is doing. The federal lawmaker from Glennbeulah feels it will cause inflation and we are already seeing some of that. “It’s not the sole reason the cost of everything is going up, but I think we are already seeing a lot of inflation. Whether you look at the cost of housing, the cost of gas, the cost of food and I’m old enough to remember the 1970’s when we had huge inflation when we had 20 percent interest rates.” He says some of the money that was sent out shouldn’t have been for instance checks were sent out to prison inmates. He calls that bizarre.
COVID Vaccine Being Tested On Younger Children
Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says it’s encouraging to see Pfizer has successfully tested the vaccine on 12 to 15 year old kids. “Pfizer is saying that they have tested their vaccine on 12 to 15 year olds and they had 100 percent efficacy rate on it they had 2,200 participants in the program and half of them got a placebo and half got the real vaccine.” He says they are now they are testing younger kids all the way down to 6 months of age. No data is available on the testing of the younger children yet, but the results for the 12 to 15 years olds is very good. Starting today anyone in Wisconsin 16 years of age or older is eligible to get the COVID vaccine.
Unemployment Rates Rise
Unemployment rates increased in area counties in February. According to Federal Labor statistics Winnebago County’s jobless rate rose to 3.9 percent, Fond du Lac County’s rate was 4.1 percent and Dodge County’s rates increased to 4.4 percent. For February Waupaca County’s unemployment rates was 4.8 percent, Green Lake County’s rate rose to 6 percent, Waushara County’s to 6.2 percent, and Marquette County’s jobless rate was 6.8 percent. The cities of Oshkosh and Fond du Lac’s unemployment rates also increased to 4 percent and 4.4 percent respectively.
Samaritan Cash Raffle Tickets Available
Tickets are on sale now for the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation’s annual Samaritan Cash Raffle, with the top prize of $100,000. The raffle gives participants the opportunity to win up to $125,000 in cash prizes. The virtual drawing is scheduled for noon on Wednesday, May 12th on Agnesian’s Facebook page. The Samaritan Health Clinic at Agnesian HealthCare in Fond du Lac provides health care to more than 500 underinsured patients annually. Tickets are $50 each or four for $150 or nine for $300. For more information on where tickets are available call the ticket hotline at (920) 926-8966.
BD Area Community Foundation Accepting Grant Applications
The Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation recently announced their spring grant cycle is open and accepting applications. Eligible nonprofit organizations located in Dodge County are invited to submit grant applications for up to $2,500. Projects should be practical, set into action within a near timeframe, and have prospects for long-term sustainability, if applicable. The deadline for application submission is Saturday, May 1st. A full list of grant criteria and the application are available at the Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation website. How to Apply – Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation (beaverdamacf.com)
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