Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 3/30/21
30 March 2021 News
FDL Man Bound Over For Trial On Reckless Homicide Charge
A 35-year-old Fond du Lac man facing reckless homicide charges in a drug overdose death has been bound over for trial. Christopher Hoerth (pictured) was in Fond du Lac County court for a preliminary hearing last Thursday. He was bound over for trial on first degree reckless homicide and felony bail jumping charges. The charges stem from death of a woman in North Fond du Lac on May 7th of last year. Hoerth is suspected of supplying her fentanyl. He will be arraigned on April 16th.
Merrill Man Pleads NGI To Chase And Standoff Charges

A Merrill man involved in a chase and standoff incident with Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s deputies on March 9th has pleaded not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect to the charges he’s facing. A preliminary hearing and arraignment were held for Louis Stone last Thursday. Deputies had to use a maneuver to get Stone’s vehicle to go into a ditch during the 14-mile chase. At the conclusion of that pursuit he armed himself with a large butcher’s knife with a woman and a baby inside the vehicle with him. The baby and woman came to no harm. Eventually he surrendered and was taken into custody.
Oshkosh Man Pleads Not Guilty To Dodge County Chase Charges
The 25-year-old Oshkosh man involved in a chase and standoff with Dodge County authorities in late January recently pled not guilty to all nine felony charges he is facing for the incident. Tyler Anderson was arraigned last Wednesday. Anderson hit three squad cars during the January 30th chase. According to the criminal complaint he did have a handgun during the standoff, but it didn’t have a firing pin it. He is being held in the Dodge County Jail on a $100,000 cash bond.
Ripon College Endowment Surpasses Milestone
Ripon College’s endowment fund crossed over the $100 million mark this month for the first time, a significant milestone in the Wisconsin school’s 170-year history. The growth of the College’s endowment is an indicator of Ripon’s financial foundation and the commitment of its alumni and friends to its future. Ripon College President Zach Messitte says, “Colleges traditionally draw their revenues from three principal sources: tuition, annual gifts and interest from endowments.” He says the larger the endowment, the less we have to rely on students’ tuition dollars. He notes over the decades alumni and friends have been incredibly generous. The endowment has rebounded from the recession in 2008 when it had declined to $35 million. You can read more about it at the Ripon College website.
Ripon’s endowment surpasses $100 million, securing our future | Ripon College
ThedaCare Announces Additional COVID Testing Locations

ThedaCare’s mobile testing units will be conducting additional testing for the COVID-19 virus this week. The drive through testing is free and available to all community members. Among the locations the mobile testing units will be at this week they will be at the Green Lake American Legion Post from 10 am to 4 pm. today. Wednesday they will be at the ThedaCare Medical Center in Waupaca from 1 to 5 pm. Thursday at the Winneconne Middle/High School from 10 am to 2:30 pm. Friday they will be at the ThedaCare Medical Center in Wild Rose from 9 am to 4 pm. Additional locations include ThedaCare sites in Neenah and Appleton. Appointments aren’t required but registration can be done online or at the site.
Estimating COVID Impacts
In an article by the New York Times a survey found those on opposite sides of issues surrounding the pandemic either underestimated or overestimated its impact. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says it’s a perfect example of our beliefs about the coronavirus. “Predictably the more conservative side tend to say this is not such a big deal don’t lose so much sleep about it and the more progressive or liberal side tend to overestimate the risk here.” He says while conservatives believe more people have lost their lives to the flu and car crashes, while in fact COVID has claimed 15 times more lives. On the other hand progressives believe 20 percent of those who test positive end up hospitalized when in fact the rate is 1 to 5 percent.
Ballweg And Dallman Collaborate On Bills
State Senator Joan Ballweg and State Representative Alex Dallman are collaborating on a couple of bills. Ballweg says one would help a couple of TIF districts in Wisconsin Dells. She says one was hurt by the downturn in the economy in 2008 and 2009. “And the other has really just opened up now with Wisconsin Dells building a new high school on the west side of the river.” The state lawmaker from Markesan says the other would create penalties for those who harass referees during high school and youth league sports games. Representative Dallman has refereed some basketball games in the past. She says they hope to get that bill finished and passed this year.
Take Me Out To The Ball Game
The Ripon Senior Activity Center will have its own tailgating party or “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” drive-through event this Wednesday in the center’s parking lot. In honor of the Milwaukee Brewers Opening Day on Thursday the center will host its own event from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says they will be serving hot dogs, brats, peanuts and cracker jacks although if you didn’t preorder there is no guarantee on the peanuts and cracker jacks. To order call the center at (920) 748-6225. She says it’s a nice day to get ready for baseball and spring. There is a $2 cost for Senior citizens and $5 if you’re under 55 years of age.
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