Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 3/22/21
22 March 2021 News
Eligibility List For COVID 19 Expanding Today
Starting today those 16 and older with certain medical conditions will be eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The Fond du Lac County Health Department will continue to vaccinate eligible groups in priority order, including individuals who are eligible starting today. The health department will be using the Wisconsin COVID-19 Vaccine Registry system to schedule vaccination appointments for eligible individuals. Once eligible, there are a variety of options for where individuals can get COVID-19 vaccine, including health care providers, pharmacies, and local health departments. The Department of Health Services also has a map at their website where you can locate a provider in your area.
Fertility Fears Persist Over COVID Vaccine
One of the fears that persist about the COVID-19 vaccine is that it might affect fertility in both women and men. Experts say that isn’t the case. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says he’s confirmed that with several local health care providers. “Talking to a medical professional at the Ripon hospital and a pharmacist, neither one of them have any concerns about fertility issues with this and you don’t see any credible fertility issue concerns being raised on any credible websites.” Puhlmann-Becker says the confidence in the technology for the vaccine, the way it works and its safety are very high.
Businesses Excited About Progress On Restart Program
Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Parafiniuk says businesses are excited about Fond du Lac County moving to Phase 3 of the Restart Program. She says with warmer weather on the way a lot of outdoor concerts and events that were cancelled or went virtual last year will be staged this summer including Walleye Weekend, EAA AirVenture, and the Summer Concert series in Ripon. “A lot of the businesses who did start to have outdoor dining last year can start to do that again to reach their capacity which now is 75 percent in Phase 3.” Parafiniuk says it’s been a year since Safer at Home orders shut down some businesses and limited what others could do. She feels as people continue to receive the coronavirus vaccine we are moving closer to getting back to normal.
Broadband Expansion Grants Announced
The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin Friday announced the next round of recipients for the Broadband Expansion Grant Program. The PSC awarded $28.4 million for 58 projects to expand high-speed broadband internet access to unserved and underserved locations in 44 counties. Among those receiving grants are Bug Tussel Wireless for a project in Fond du Lac County, US Internet for a project in Winnebago County, and the Marquette-Adams Telephone Cooperative for projects in Waushara and Marquette counties. The $28.4 million in grant money will leverage another $49.2 million in local and private money for those projects.
Oshkosh Accepting Applications For CDBG Funds
The City of Oshkosh will use federal Community Development Block Grant funds to support a variety of public service activities. Grant proposals are being accepted from local non-profit organizations for the 2021 program year. The program year runs from May 1st through April 30th, 2022. All clients benefitting from the use of CDBG funds must live within the city limits of Oshkosh. The proposal must provide a direct benefit for low to moderate income residents of Oshkosh. Applications are due Friday, April 9th by 3:30 pm. The application is available on the city’s website.
City of Oshkosh – Economic Development
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