Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 3/1/21
1 March 2021 News
State Assembly COVID Relief Efforts
State Representative Alex Dallman (pictured) says it is unfortunate that Governor Evers vetoed the State Assembly’s coronavirus relief bill, but they have been able to sneak some relief into other measures. The state lawmaker from Green Lake says Governor Evers found his reasons for vetoing the bill. “Reasons such as, for the Governor not being able to close down churches whenever he wanted to. He didn’t want the legislature to have oversight over CARES Act funding from the Federal Government. So there’s just different things that he didn’t agree with.” He says the Assembly did pass an unemployment relief package that did include some coronavirus relief in it.
The Golden Hour
Waupun Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director B.J. DeMaa says public safety is the chief reason the City is creating an Emergency Medical Responder Unit in lieu of adding a third ambulance. He says the emergency medical responders could provide basic aid during medical emergencies until an ambulance can arrive. He says timing is critical in some circumstances. “When we start talking some medical emergencies there are some of those situations where they talk about the “Golden Hour” and the ability to get care on scene as quick as possible and that’s really what this is about.” The emergency medical responders will receive their training this year and the unit will start next year.
COVID Vaccine Shots
Some of those getting the two dose regimen of the COVID-19 vaccine may suffer COVID like symptoms after receiving the second dose. Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says the exact percentage of those who might suffer some symptoms isn’t known, but he says it’s actually a good thing because it means your body will know what it has to do to fight off COVID. “A lot of the symptoms we are talking about for COVID show up on the second or can show up I should say on the second dose. People think that that’s a bad sign, but what that actually is is a good sign. That’s saying your body knows exactly what to do if you ever were to get COVID.” He says generally you only feel unwell for a day. Starting today teachers and child care workers will be eligible to get the vaccine.
Habitat Build In Ripon
Habitat for Humanity in Fond du Lac County is currently taking applications for a home build that will be happening in Ripon starting this spring. It is a great opportunity for a family in the community. To see if you qualify to fill out an application for a great home, in a great community go to Habitat’s website or their Facebook page. The application period closes on April 2nd.
Façade Grants Available

To encourage preservation of architectural heritage, Ripon Main Street is providing façade grants to eligible businesses and property owners within the downtown Business Improvement District. Up to $2,000 in façade grants, providing a dollar-for-dollar match will be awarded during 2021. Property owners must adhere to the guidelines set forth in the Downtown Ripon Design Manual. Ripon Main Street’s Façade Grant Committee will evaluate proposals, with its recommendations considered in partnership with the Main Street board of directors. To receive additional information or to obtain an application, call the Ripon Main Street office at (920) 748-7466.
FDL Public Library Expanded Hours
Starting this month the Fond du Lac Public Library will partially reopen its popular used book store Chapter 52 and expand its hours for visits to the Main Library. After being close much of the past year due to the pandemic, Chapter 52 will be open Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm. Meanwhile, the Main Library also will be adding a third day for patrons to visit. Starting Friday, patrons may enter Fridays from 9 am to 6 pm, Saturday from 9 am to 4 pm, and Sundays from noon to 4 pm. Computer use will be available by appointment on any of those days. Curbside pickup continues to be available seven days a week.
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