Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 3/5/21
5 March 2021 News
Ripon’s New EMS Chief
Ripon’s new EMS Chief began working for the city at the beginning of the week. Mitch Matuszeski (pictured) succeeded John Teachout who retired at the end of last month. Matuszeski has been with Ripon Guardian Ambulance the last two years and before that worked as a paramedic/EMT in Portage and Juneau. He says Teachout was a great mentor. “I’ve worked for a lot of agencies over the years I’ve gained a lot of experience at a lot of different levels. I’ve watched leaders I mimic what they’ve done. I picked up a lot of good traits along the years, also a shout out to John Teachout our outgoing Chief. Just a wonderful role model and mentor.” Matuszeski is a 2003 graduate of Dodgeland High School and got his EMT training at Moraine Park Technical College. He and his wife have two daughters and a son all under the age of six. He also encourages anyone interested in becoming a paramedic or EMT to contact him through his contact information at the city’s website.
Vaccinations Of Nursing Homes And Long Term Care Facilities Progressing
The Director of Housing and Clinical Services for LeadingAge Wisconsin, which is an advocate for the state’s senior citizens, says it’s hoped the COVID-19 vaccinations in nursing homes and long term care facilities will be completed by mid-April. Robin Wolzenburg is also a member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force. “After the second doses they have vaccinated 34,600 residents and 15,466 staff so far. We are looking at 76 percent of residents and unfortunately a little lower with the staff members closer to 38 to 42 percent of staff.” She says visits to nursing homes and long term care facilities are still limited, but the vaccinations are playing a big role in reopening them to visitors.
Mayville Man Found Guilty Of Seventh OWI
A Dodge County jury this week found a 56-year-old Mayville man guilty of his 7th OWI charge and of obstructing an officer. Police got a call on July 2nd of 2019 when a witness saw a driver hit and damage another car while trying to parallel park in downtown Mayville. Gregory Cundy, who was driving the car that did the damage, took off when he realized he was being watched. Officers tracked him down to his home and Cundy lied about the fresh damage to his vehicle. He later admitted being on Main Street after drinking. A sentencing hearing will be scheduled.
Oshkosh Man Arrested For Sixth OWI
The State Patrol arrested a 46-year-old Oshkosh man for his sixth operating while under the influence offense Wednesday night in Outagamie County. Jeremy Milam was pulled over on I-41 at County Highway J for speeding in his pickup truck. Milam failed a field sobriety test and was subsequently arrested for his 6th OWI, having no insurance, and marijuana possession. He was taken to the Outagamie County Jail.
County Executive Candidates Forum
The League of Women Voters of the Ripon Area will host a Candidate Forum for the Fond du Lac County Executive candidates. It will be held at the Ripon City Hall in the Council Chambers on Thursday, March 18th at 7 pm. Voters are asked to submit their questions for the candidates to: lwvriponarea@gmail.com. The event will be taped and broadcast on the Ripon Cable channel and will be posted online at The Ripon Channel’s YouTube page. Due to COVID-19, the forum will be virtual. The only people allowed in the Council Chambers will be League volunteers, local press, and the candidates.
Oshkosh Superintendent Applied For Florida Job

Oshkosh Schools Superintendent Vickie Cartwright applied for a similar job out of state. Cartwright applied for the superintendent’s job with the Polk County School District located in Bartow, Florida. She has been with the Oshkosh School District for three years. According to the Polk County Public Schools website 50 people submitted applications to replace Superintendent Jacqueline Byrd, who is retiring in June. Cartwright was not among the seven candidates the school board narrowed their search to. The board will discuss the semifinalists at their meeting next Tuesday.
Planning Underway For June Dairy Days
The Director of Agricultural Programs for Envision Greater Fond du Lac says they hope to offer more activities for June Dairy Days in June this year. Amy Ries says the pandemic limited what they could do in 2020 and led to cancellation of their June Dairy Day, which they do in partnership with National Exchange Bank & Trust in Fond du Lac. She says they are hashing out details with the bank to have the event while still keeping people protected from COVID-19. “We are working with the bank to figure out again a way to have our activities socially distanced, not as much contact as we may have had in the past but still a way to kick off the month of June to celebrate Agriculture.” She says there will be other activities throughout the month leading up to the Breakfast on the Farm at LaClare Family Creamery in Malone on Sunday, June 27th.
In Person Hunter Education Resumes
The DNR tells us all in-person hunter education classes, including archery education classes will begin April 1st. To help protect state resident and staff from the spread of COVID-19, particularly those most vulnerable to infection and severe disease, established safety protocols to protect students, instructors and communities will remain in place when in-person instruction resumes. Safety protocols will include social distancing, face coverings, hand sanitizer, limiting class sizes, and outdoor instruction when possible. Instructors can start enrolling tradition classes on Monday, March 15th.
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