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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 2/23/21

23 February 2021 News

Ripon Man Suspected Of Possessing Fentanyl

Ripon Police suspecting residue found on a spoon belonging to 26-year-old Ripon man was methamphetamine got a surprise when results came back from the state crime lab last March. According to the criminal complaint the residue on the spoon belonging to Dustin Krueger was fentanyl a synthetic and potentially fatal opioid. The spoon was in a shoebox with other suspected drug paraphernalia that were removed from a residence at 506 Liberty Street at the request of Krueger’s former girlfriend. She kicked him out a day after learning he’d been placed on probation for failing a urine test that found illicit drugs in his system. An initial court hearing in Fond du Lac County court is scheduled for April 13th. Krueger is charged with possession of narcotics and drug paraphernalia.

FDL Fire Update

Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue photo

Fond du Lac Fire and Rescue officials say they were dispatched to 52 West Bank Street at 9:20 Sunday evening for a report of an explosion and fire. Fire Chief Peter O’Leary says the homeowner told them there was a large propane tank inside a detached garage. The fire spread to a home rendering it uninhabitable. No one was hurt, but six people were displaced by the blaze. Another detached garage and home were damaged by the heat from the fire. The cause of the fire is being investigated.  

Waupun Woman Suspected Of Fleeing From Police

A 36-year-old Waupun woman is facing charges for fleeing from Juneau Police on Highway 151 at speeds of more than 100 miles an hour. According to the criminal complaint the officer tried pulling Michelle Hayes over on February 13th because her rear window was obstructed by snow and she wasn’t operating with the required lights during limited visibility. The chase ended when the vehicle rolled over in an embankment near Dodge County Road C. She will make her initial court appearance on a felony fleeing charge and two counts of bail jumping on April 19th.

State Highway 67 Project Starting Next Month

The state’s Department of Transportation says a project website is now online for the upcoming construction of State Highway 67 through the village of Campbellsport in Fond du Lac County. This year the state will be reconstructing 2.2 miles of State Highway 67 in Campbellsport. Construction is expected to begin next month and finish in December. State Highway 67 will be closed to through traffic during construction. Local access will be maintained. The website includes construction details, traffic impacts, detour maps and temporary signing information for businesses.


Different Role For Ballweg In State Budget Process

State Senator Joan Ballweg will have more of a hands-on role during the state budget process this year. It’s her ninth budget as a state legislator, but her previous eight were as a state representative and this time she sits on the powerful joint finance committee. The state lawmaker from Markesan says unfortunately Governor Evers is proposing to raise taxes and use nearly all the state’s $1.5 billion revenue surplus during the two-year budget cycle. “Not only is the Governor increasing taxes to provide all of the service that he wants to increase and add on to, we’re also spending down all of our surplus. I don’t believe that is a wise situation at all.” She says one of the things the JFC will do is take all the policy items out of the budget, which includes a proposal to legalize recreational marijuana and another to restore collective bargaining for the public sector. The legislative fiscal bureau will put out a memo in the next two weeks on all the policy items in the budget.

Teachers Eligible For COVID Vaccines March First

In just a few days teachers will become eligible for the next rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. Ripon Schools Superintendent Mary Whitrock says quite a few educators were excited when they heard about March 1st rollout. She says between the 400 doses of vaccine Fond du Lac County gets a week and 400 to 500 doses medical clinics and hospitals in the county get the vaccination of teachers should go pretty quickly. “If they are able to partner together and pool all of those there is a really good chance that the majority of educators in Fond du Lac will be able to be vaccinated within that first week, for sure the first couple of weeks.” She says about 50 teachers have already been vaccinated through the first rollouts and when there was a surplus of vaccine available. She notes the vaccinations aren’t required, but are encouraged.

Boys And Girls Tri County Weather Pandemic

Like many organizations and businesses Boys & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area has had to pivot to offer some of its services during the pandemic. Ashley Bartol is the Club’s Special Events and Marketing Manager. She says thanks to community support they’ve been able to keep their two sites open. “We’ve actually fared pretty well. We’ve had a lot of support from our community that has enabled us to keep our doors open safely. We are serving kids at both our Berlin and Green Lake sites. Our Green Lake site actually opened in the school during the school year so we opened right in time for kids to have a place to go after school.” She says things started out a little slow at the Green Lake site, which is new but membership there has been building.
