Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 2/19/21
19 February 2021 News
Oshkosh Man Charged For Drug Possession Incident In Ripon
Bond was set at $3,000 cash for the 23-year-old Oshkosh man charged with felony bail jumping and possession of methamphetamines and narcotics charges following a traffic stop in Ripon last Friday morning. Skylar Minkin made his initial appearance in Fond du Lac County court this week. He has a preliminary hearing next Thursday. Minkin was a passenger in the vehicle that was stopped, but police found drugs belonging to him in his backpack and on his person. Minkin was previously charged in Marinette County for meth possession for an incident last December.
State’s COVID 19 Vaccine Registry Launching March First
The Wisconsin COVID-19 Vaccine Registry will be launched March 1st helping residents connect with available vaccine. The state’s Department of Health Services says it will provide a central place to let people know where and when they can get vaccinated and let them schedule and appointment. The registry will be used by those who opt in and will not be a comprehensive resource for all vaccination options. Ten pilot locations will begin testing software for the registry next Monday.
Return To In Person Learning
Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker commends the Ripon Area School District for deciding to return to in-person learning for teaching 6th through 12th grade students on March 1st. “The Ripon School District kudos to Mary Whitrock and the administrative staff and all of the teachers and everybody in the schools is doing a phenomenal job at keeping it at bay.” The district had been using a hybrid model of instruction using both virtual and in-person learning for 6th through 12th grade students. Puhlmann-Becker says given the pandemic in-person learning in schools is a bit controversial, but students learn better in-person. He points out students who are easily distracted aren’t served well by distance learning.
Money Not A Major Consideration In Closing Brandon Middle School
The superintendent of the Rosendale-Brandon School District says money was not a driving force in the district’s decision to close the Brandon Middle School and consolidate those classes to Rosendale Intermediate School. It’s estimated the move will save the district about $68,000. But Wayne Weber says they were considering reducing staff anyway. “Looking at our ability to effectively staff that moving forward with our declining enrollment, so our board voted 6 to 3 Monday night to consolidate our middle school.” Weber says they will be eliminating two full-time positions and reducing some part-time positions. He says they have a strong school district regardless of where their middle school is and they hope to get continued support from the community.
Pompeo Could Be Potential Candidate For President
While former President Trump talks about another run for president, Congressman Glenn Grothman believes a former member of Trump’s Administration would have a better shot at running for president. Grothman says former CIA Director and Congressman Mike Pompeo would have a better shot at running for the office than other Republicans who have run before like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. “I think Mike Pompeo who was a member of the Trump Administration. I served with him in the U.S. Congress. I think he would be somebody we would look at.” The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says Pompeo doesn’t come across as a politician as much as some of the others who have after their runs for president.
Oshkosh West Student Chosen For US Senate Program

Oshkosh West High School junior, Anika Larson, has been selected to represent Wisconsin as a delegate to the United States Senate Youth Program. Larson is one of only two students from Wisconsin who will participate in this year’s program and will be learning alongside 103 students from around the country. As a delegate, Larson will also receive a $10,000 college scholarship. Students participating in the program meet with members of Congress, and get in-depth experience to learn the ins and outs of the federal government during Washington Week, which is March 14th through the 17th. Larson says she’s honored to be representing Wisconsin and grateful for the opportunity.
Polka On Ice Tuba Dan Day Saturday In Ripon

Polka on Ice will be held Saturday afternoon on The Village Green in Downtown Ripon presented by Knuth Brewing Company. From 1 to 4 pm Copper Box will be performing. In addition, the City of Ripon is proclaiming the day “Tuba Dan Day.” The Wisconsin Broadcasters Association will be honoring Tuba Dan with an award for over 50 years of being a radio show host. At approximately 4:30 pm, there will be a ceremonial hanging of a Tuba Dan tuba on the wall at the nearby Knuth Brewing Company at 221 Watson Street. The public is invited.
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