Hometown Broadcasting New Monday 2/15/21
15 February 2021 News
Names Released In Dodge County Fatal Accident
The Dodge County Sheriff’s Department has released the names of those involved in a fatal crash between two semi-trucks last Monday morning. Seventy-three-year-old Wayne Hildebrandt of Watertown was driving a Peterbilt truck that jackknifed in the eastbound lanes of Highway 33 near County Highway A. A westbound Mack truck driven by 60-year-old Perry Hoitink of Oostburg hit the trailer of Hildebrandt’s truck. Hoitink died at the scene. Hildebrandt was flown to the U-W Hospital in Madison with life-threatening injuries.
More Charged In Lake Sturgeon Caviar Scheme
The investigation into the illegal sale of sturgeon eggs to produce caviar that began with the charging of DNR Sturgeon biologist Ryan Koenigs has now led to the charging of three others in three different counties. Charges of the unlawful sale of game fish have been filed in Fond du Lac County against 51-year-old Shawn Wendt of Oakfield, 87-year-old Mary Schneider and 88-year-old Victor Schneider of Fond du Lac. The charges are misdemeanors. Koenigs was charged in Calumet County with obstructing a DNR warden in the investigation. According to the criminal complaint in Winnebago County the DNR and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been investigating the illegal sale of sturgeon roe or eggs used in caviar in the Lake Winnebago area since 2017. They found the funneling of roe or eggs to various processors to make caviar. The complaint alleges Koenigs oversaw the operation.
Oshkosh Man Facing Drug Charges After Traffic Stop In Ripon
A 23-year-old Oshkosh man is facing felony bail jumping and possession of methamphetamines and narcotics charges following a traffic stop in Ripon early Friday morning. According to the criminal complaint Skylar Minkin was a passenger in the vehicle that was stopped at North Douglas Street near East Jackson Street. While the driver was being investigated for OWI, a Green Lake County Sheriff’s K9 alerted to possible drugs in the vehicle. Some suspected methamphetamine was found in a backpack belonging to Minkin and when asked he admitted having small baggies of methamphetamine and heroin on his person in his vest pocket. Minkin was previously charged in Marinette County for methamphetamine possession for an incident last December.
Standoff Suspect Bound Over For Trial
A 25-year-old Oshkosh man involved in a chase and standoff with Dodge County authorities late last month has been bound over for trial. Tyler Anderson waived his preliminary hearing Thursday and will be arraigned on March 24th. Anderson is facing ten different charges including nine felonies for incidents connected with the chase and standoff last month. Anderson hit three squad cars during the January 30th chase. According to the criminal complaint Anderson did have a handgun during the standoff, but it didn’t have a firing pin it. He is being held in the Dodge County Jail on a $100,000 cash bond.
Ripon Dispatch Transition
Fond du Lac County Communications and Emergency Management Director Bobbi Hicken says she will be working closely with City of Ripon officials on their transition to county dispatch. “I will be working very closely and almost constantly with Chief Wallner, Chief Saul on what needs to happen which policies we need to address which procedures we need to identify to make sure this is as smooth a transition as possible.” Hicken says it is helpful that Ripon Police Captain Troy Damsteegt has worked with her before on several transitions. She says she hopes the transition will be as seamless as possible and Ripon residents will barely notice the difference.
COVID Vaccine Registry
Ripon Community COVID 19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says a statewide registry for those who want to get vaccine will clear up some of the confusion. Eight to ten municipalities will go live with it today and after that it will go statewide. He says the advantage of a statewide registry is it collects your information and lets you know when your group will be allowed to be vaccinated. “This database apparently you can sign up at any time and it will tell you approximately where you are in line. If your group is up now it will allow you to make an appointment if it is not it will tell you some projection maybe of where you will be, but it will keep your name and contact information and will alert you when your group comes up.” He says currently people have to wait for their group to come up in the vaccine rollout before they can sign up to be vaccinated.
Getting Absentee Ballots In
Those who waited to get their absentee ballots in the mail will now have to drop them off at their local polling location. Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg reminds voters that there is no mail today and clerks and poll workers need to have that ballot by Tuesday night at 8 pm if you want your ballot to count. “I strongly suggest you make arrangements I believe the City of Ripon does have a drop box for ballots and then anywhere else contact your municipal clerk and see once if you can make arrangements or maybe they have drop boxes that those ballots can be dropped in.” In addition to local races voters Tuesday will be voting on a State Superintendent of Schools Race and race for Fond du Lac County judge.
Ripon Business Among Honorees During Envision Greater FDL Annual Meeting
A Ripon business will be among those honored during Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Annual Meeting tomorrow morning. Ernessi Farms of Ripon and Society Insurance of Fond du Lac will both be honored with Business Excellence awards. Former Fond du Lac City Manager Tom Herre will be recognized with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Craig Much will receive the Volunteer of the Year Award. The Eden-Schneider Award will recognize Fond du Lac County Public Health for their role during the pandemic. The Entrepreneur of the Year awards will go to Ledgerock Distillery and 3 Sweets Bakery. The meeting will be held virtually from 8:30 to 9:30 tomorrow morning.
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