Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 1/26/21
26 January 2021 News
Fatal Sledding Accident
A 50-year-old Arlington Heights, Illinois woman died following a sledding accident in Washington County Saturday. Sheriff’s officials say the woman was using an inner tube to sled down a hill in the Town of Farmington when she veered off course and crashed into a brush area and several trees. She was ejected from the inner tube and was lying unresponsive on the ground at the bottom of the hill. Ultimately she was taken to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee where she succumbed to her injuries. The woman had been in the area visiting family.
Close Call On Lake Winnebago

The Calumet County Sheriff’s Office is urging residents to be careful when they venture out on the ice on local waterbodies. They posted the warning on their Facebook page Monday morning after a man had a close call on Lake Winnebago. The man’s vehicle went through the ice about 1.3 miles from the south shore of Brothertown. He was able to crawl out the back tailgate and a few good Samaritans were able to help him out and get him back safely to shore. The Sheriff’s Office reminds residents the ice is never 100 percent safe and they should use caution and exercise good judgement when going out on the ice.
Dodge County Drive Sober Results Announced

Dodge County Sheriff’s deputies arrested 14 people suspected of driving while impaired during the recent “Driver Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement campaign. The effort ran from December 18th through New Year’s Day. Sheriff’s Sergeant Jermey Wolfe says law enforcement officers from throughout the county participated in the campaign making an additional 19 OWI arrests including five over an eight hour period from New Year’s Eve to early New Year’s Day morning. He notes the campaign made 71 traffic stops in which citations and warnings were issued and 9 additional arrests were made. The focus of the initiative was to deter impaired driving.
Warrant Scam Hits FDL County
Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says a scam that hit other counties where a caller poses as a member of law enforcement to try and get people to pony up money on bogus arrest warrants has hit the county. Recently a scammer used a deputy’s name and informed a Fond du Lac resident they needed to withdraw $5,000 from their bank for payment on two warrants. The scammer used technology to spoof the number on the citizen’s caller ID so that it appeared as though the call was coming from a non-emergency Sheriff’s Office telephone number. There have been recent scams using the names of deputies and officers in the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office and Oshkosh Police Department to try and accomplish the same crime.
Sex Offender Being Released In Oshkosh

A 47-year-old sex offender will be living at 215 Division Street in Oshkosh starting February 23rd. Demetrey Lambouths will be on electronic monitoring and will be under the supervision of probation and parole until February 24th, 2036. Lambouths was convicted of second degree sexual assault, false imprisonment and intimidating a victim in Winnebago County in November of 2006. His victims were a 17-year-old girl and a woman. He is currently being held at the Sanger B. Powers Correctional Center in Oneida, Wisconsin.
Congressman Grothman On Inaugural Speech
Congressman Glenn Grothman says the only thing he would criticize in President Biden’s Inaugural speech is references to racism and white supremacy and what immigrants are facing. Grothman says he travels across the country and Congressional district and the immigrants he talks to don’t talk with him about those issues. “One of the things I see I talk with so many people is the degree to which people are coming here from all over the world India, Pakistan, the Phillipines, Laos, Mexico and they all love America and they all think it is the land of great opportunity.” He says maybe things are different in Delaware and immigrants can’t make a go of it there. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeaulah says five times in his speech Biden referred to racial problems.
Vaccine Questions
Ripon Community COVID 19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says some of the reluctance of those eligible to get a vaccine for the coronavirus who haven’t received it yet is the speed at which the vaccine was developed. “And when you have every lab available working on a vaccine it is going to happen faster it is going to happen faster than if you have one or two manufacturers had been working on it and the technology was there and ready to go we didn’t make this up in the last nine months the technology was there and this just happens to be the moment when it was pressed into service because the situation was perfect.” He says there are plenty of reliable videos on line that explain how and why this happened and why there should be no concern.
Click Thru Job Fair Wednesday
The Fox Valley Workforce Development Board will be holding its first ever “click-thru” job fair Wednesday. It is part of a statewide effort happening across several regions in Wisconsin. The Click-Thru Job Fairs serve as the winter alternative to the Drive Thru events local workforce boards launched at the onset of the pandemic. Information about all the employers hiring across the Fox Valley region will be available tomorrow online at fox valley work.org. Whether you are unemployed, underemployed or just unhappily employed, all are welcome.
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