Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 1/25/21
25 January 2021 News
Congressman Grothman On Keystone Pipeline Decision
Congressman Glenn Grothman was one of five Wisconsin Republican Congressmen last week that sent a letter to President Joe Biden expressing support for the Keystone XL Pipeline. Biden cancelled construction of the pipeline that would extend from Canada to the U.S. Grothman says that affects from 800 to 1,000 jobs that pay $70,000 to $80,000 a year and some of those are Wisconsin jobs. “Michels Pipeline down there in Brownsville a perfect example they are doing a lot of work on there and another Wisconsin firm over in Jackson County also got a lot of work on there. So when we say 800 to 1,000 jobs lost some of those jobs are going from people in Wisconsin.” The federal lawmaker points out the pipeline could have kept oil prices down, would have been a safer way of transporting oil rather than by truck or rail, and jeopardizes the relationship the U.S. has with Canada as a trading partner.
Ripon Common Council Reconsidering Dispatch Center Issue
The Ripon Common Council tonight will reconsider whether the city should join the Fond du Lac County Dispatch services. At its January 12th meeting the Council voted 5 to 3 against going with the county dispatch, but if one of those five asks for reconsideration the matter can be taken up again. Councilmen James Werch asked that the issue be brought back to tonight’s meeting for reconsideration. If the city decides to keep its dispatch center it will have to come up with funding to keep it afloat and needed upgrades. The Council meets at 7 pm in the Council Chambers of the City Hall.
COVID And The State Budget
State Senator Joan Ballweg says COVID-19 will have an impact on the two-year state budget that lawmakers will be putting together this year. She notes they are waiting to see what comes with the next round of federal stimulus money. But she points out the state’s tax revenues for the past year weren’t as awful as they anticipated. “We know that are tax revenues have not been as devastated as we were fearful of.” She says because people have been traveling less on roads and highways during the pandemic they are expecting the transportation budget to take a hit because it depends on the gas tax.
Christenson Running For FDL County Judge
Green Lake County District Attorney Andrew Christenson is running for the open seat for Fond du Lac County Circuit Court Branch III. The Fond du Lac native has also served as a Fond du Lac County Assistant District Attorney. Christenson served an ADA in the Fond du Lac County District Attorney’s office from 2008 to 2014 when he was appointed Green Lake County District Attorney by Governor Scott Walker. Upon his appointment, Walker said Christenson is “highly respected by his peers, the defense bar and law enforcement.” Christenson says, “My judicial philosophy is straightforward: I believe judges should call balls and strikes, apply the facts and law, and not legislate from the bench.” Christenson is one of four candidates running for the position.
Rebuilding Playground
Agnesian HealthCare Foundation and Lakeside Forward are donating $40,000 to rebuild a playground in Lakeside Park in Fond du Lac. On December 21st playground equipment at the park was destroyed by fire. Shawn Fisher, Executive Director of Agnesian HealthCare Foundation says, “When we learned of this tragic loss, we were eager to step up and help the community regain this treasure for our families and their children.” Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Parafiniuk is a member of Lakeside Forward. She says, “Recreating this area of the park is one small gesture to ensure children of all ages and abilities will have a safe place to play.”
Pen Pals Program Successful
A volunteer development specialist for ADVOCAP says one of the most successful parts of their Foster Grandparent program does not depend on face-to-face or virtual contact with kids. Bridget Bestor says it is a pen pal program in which older adults exchange letters with school children. “Our Foster Grandparents are writing actual letters on actual paper and we get them to the classroom and the kids write back. It has been incredibly successful.” ADVOCAP serves Fond du Lac, Green Lake, and Winnebago counties. To find out about more senior volunteer opportunities with ADVOCAP call your local office or ADVOCAP in Fond du Lac at 920-922-7760.
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