Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 1/22/21
22 January 2021 News
Green Lake County Develops Waitlist For COVID Vaccine
The Green Lake County Health Department is starting a waitlist for those who are 65 or older that would like to get COVID-19 vaccine. Those who would like to get on a waitlist should call the Health Department at 920-294-4070. They will call those on the waitlist to schedule appointments once they have vaccine available. The Health Department is working on putting together community based clinics this month and next. Starting Monday those 65 and older will be eligible to receive the vaccine.
ThedaCare Prepping For More COVID Vacinations
ThedaCare is preparing to offer COVID-19 vaccine to those 65 and older. Beginning next Monday those 65 and older will be eligible for the vaccine as part of the Phase 1B rollout of the vaccine. ThedaCare Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Mark Cockley says, “We understand that older adults are more likely to experience severe illness from COVID-19. Prioritizing this population will help protect more people from serious illness and death. ThedaCare will manage COVID-19 vaccine scheduling for people in Phase 1B primarily through MyThedaCare/My Chart which is available at the top of the ThedaCare.org website. Community members are asked to visit the website and create an account.
New Administration Different View Of COVID
A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says with a new Presidential Administration it will be interesting to see how the pandemic is tackled. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says former President Trump and President Joe Biden had different viewpoints on how that should be done. “The former President and the new President had vastly different views about the coronavirus and COVID-19 and the vaccines and that is bound to change how we are doing this because we will have different resources available and different information available than maybe we didn’t have before.” Puhlmann-Becker says one thing that has to change is the speed at which the vaccine is being distributed. He says that has to increase or it will take two to three years to vaccinate everyone. One of President Biden’s goals is to get 100 million people vaccinated in his first 100 days in office.
Planning And Networking Keeps Ripon Area Chamber Of Commerce Busy
The executive director of the Ripon Area Chamber of Commerce says planning and preparation are part of what they do and in January when they don’t have much to do they can work on their strategic planning. Jason Mansmith says it is an opportunity to get information out to Chamber members and network with other organizations as well. “And how we’re going to make sure we get out the information from the Chamber of Commerce to everybody and how we do that. Those are things we are working on, but it is also a very good time for us and this is something we did a lot in 2020 is networking with other organizations and community groups.” He says it allows them to network with Envision Greater Fond du Lac, the Green Lake Country Visitors Bureau and others. Mansmith notes there will be events this year, but they will involve making sure everyone is protected from the pandemic while that is still a threat.
ADVOCAP Senior Volunteer Programs
ADVOCAP is looking for older adults for its Foster Grandparent and Retired Senior Volunteer Program or RSVP. Bridget Bestor is a Volunteer Development Specialist with ADVOCAP, which serves Fond du Lac, Green Lake, and Winnebago counties.“What we do with the RSVP program and the Foster Grandparent program is we coordinate volunteers; we recruit and train volunteers to serve in non-profit organizations in the community. What they do then is build their capacity so the volunteers get things done for these organizations.” The volunteers end up working at humane societies, at Senior Centers, Libraries, Food Pantries, and a number of non-profits including the Thrasher Opera House. They also participate in virtual reading and other programs at the schools. If you’re interested in learning more call your local ADVOCAP office or contact the ADVOCAP office in Fond du Lac at 920-922-7760.
Envision Greater FDL Offers New Research Platform
Envision Greater Fond du Lac is launching a new industrial-organizational research platform as part of its business intelligence program. The first-of-its-kind offering in the greater Fond du Lac area is the unique application of psychology, research methods, and statistics to the assessment of workplace dynamics. Research outcomes provide insight and potential solutions to workplace concerns, such as turnover, retention, employee well-being, and engagement. Envision Vice-President of Economic Development Jim Cleveland says, “Our team can work with key personnel to collect and analyze data, then offer suggestions based on the findings to help solve human and organizational concerns in the workplace. To learn more about Envision’s business intelligence services visit their website.
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