Troubling Times For Berlin Family
14 December 2020 News
With two family members working their way through disabling injuries a Berlin family is having a tough time making ends meet this Christmas. Chris Wittchow tells us her son Jon Erdmann has had stomach issues that led to a burst intestine which have kept him out of work for eight months. Then on November 28th Jon’s daughter McKayla, who is 15-years-old, was involved in a traffic crash that left her with a broken pelvis, broken wrist and other injuries. She is not able to put weight on her legs and feet for 6 to 8 weeks and is bedridden. Chris says Jon has been down in the dumps because he can’t work, can’t support his family and is worried about his daughter. But she says McKayla has been a real trooper through it all. “McKayla I have to say she is one strong little cookie. She smiles and she has got an upbeat spirit and the doctors and the nurses at the hospital are amazed at how strong she had been through all of this.” Jon’s wife Melinda was holding down two part-time jobs, but had to give them up to take care of McKayla. Chris and her other son Jim Erdmann have been helping the family make mortgage and utility payments, but the family is falling behind. Chris started a Go Fund Me page to help with expenses. She thanks anyone that might contribute to that effort.
Fundraiser by Christine Wittchow : Help Mckayla walk again (gofundme.com)
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