Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 12/30/20
30 December 2020 News
Two Sentenced For Roles In Heroin Overdose Death

Two Waupun residents were sentenced Monday in Fond du Lac County court for their roles in the heroin overdose death of a 23-year-old Fond du Lac man. Forty-year-old Cara Zech was sentenced to 9 years in prison and 10 years of extended supervision and 42-year-old Anthony Buechel to 7 years in prison and 5 years of extended supervision on first degree reckless homicide charges. The two were among four people that rode to Milwaukee on July 27th of 2018 to purchase heroin some of which was for Steven Compton. Compton died of an overdose in a bedroom of his Fond du Lac home the next day. At the beginning of the month 48-year-old Julie Harr of Fond du Lac was sentenced to 6 years in prison and 6 years of extended supervision for her role in Compton’s death.
Child Drowns In Marquette County Lake
Marquette County Sheriff Joe Konrath says a child died when a group of five Amish children fell through the ice while ice skating on Twin Lake Sunday afternoon. A caller reported the incident to the Sheriff’s Department about 12:30 that afternoon. The other four children safely made it out of the cold water. Sheriff Konrath says the drowning does not appear to be suspicious, but their investigation is continuing.
FDL Man Arrested For Florence County Burglary
A 25-year-old Fond du Lac man has been arrested for a burglary in Florence County. According to a press release from the Sheriff’s Department deputies were called to the Northern Lites bar at 8:41 Sunday morning for a missing ATM machine. Later that morning the missing ATM was found in the woods about 7 miles away from the tavern. Investigators developed a person of interest and interviewed the Fond du Lac man Monday. The suspect admitted to the burglary and showed deputies where the money from the ATM was hidden. All of the money was recovered. The Florence County District Attorney’s Office is reviewing the case for possible charges.
Unemployment Rates Decline In November
Unemployment rates for area counties were down slightly in November. According to Federal Labor statistics Fond du Lac County improved from a 3.9 percent jobless rate in October to 3.6 percent in November. Winnebago County’s rate was also 3.6 percent last month. Dodge County’s rate also improved to 3.7 percent. Waupaca County’s rate was 3.8 percent, Waushara County 4.3 percent, Green Lake County 4.6 percent, and Marquette County’s rate was 4.9 percent. The City of Oshkosh had a 3.7 percent unemployment rate last month and the City of Fond du Lac 4 percent. Sixty-five of the state’s 72 counties had declining jobless rates or held steady for the month.
Envision Took Lead On Task Force
Envision Greater Fond du Lac President and CEO Sadie Parafiniuk says she will never forget her first day with Envision last April 20th because it was the day they began putting together the Reopen Fond du Lac County Task Force. She says the idea actually came from Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney and grew out of that pulling together leaders from business, industry, K-12, Higher Education and other fields. “And so because of his first thoughts and questions we thought will Envision Greater Fond du Lac is a great organization to house that task force and we serve the entire county so brought people from throughout the county; Ripon, Waupun, Campbellsport.” She says they were able to develop a lot of resources including guidelines, posters and best practices. For a while they disbanded, but reformed when schools started putting together plans for reopening. Lately the task force has been dealing with the administration and distribution of COVID vaccines and will continue meeting into the New Year.
Specialized Transit Grants
Governor Tony Evers recently announced the awarding of $3.8 million in federal and state funding to 57 public and non-profit agencies that provide specialized transit to seniors and individuals with disabilities. Among those receiving grants through the State’s Department of Transportation are ADVOCAP in Winnebago County for more than $43,000, Community Living Connection in Fond du Lac County for $32,800, Dodge County for $32,800, Marquette County for $32,000, Waupaca County for $19,525, Diverse Options for $86,400, Green Valley Enterprises in Dodge County for $56,800, Lutheran Social Services for more than $78,000, and a host of others. Much of the funding will be used for vehicle replacement, mobility management, and operating assistance projects.
Cycle 44 (2020) 5310 Grant Awards (wisconsindot.gov)
Sleigh Rides A Hit At Ripon Senior Center Gathering

Santa and Mrs. Claus were on hand for a gathering outside the Ripon Senior Center earlier this month, but it was horse drawn sleigh rides that may have been a bigger hit. Center Executive Director Noreen Johnson says Jim Goyette of WellSpring Farm gave the rides for the event on December 16th. She says they got a lot of positive comments about the rides and a few curious onlookers on Watson Street. Johnson even took a ride with a friend. “She had brought jingle bells with her so we are riding down singing jingle bells. It was amazing when people got back you could just tell they were this is amazing you know.” Johnson says they hope to hold another event based out of the Senior Center parking lot in mid-January. She notes it’s a way of keeping up peoples’ spirits during the pandemic.
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