Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 12/2/20
2 December 2020 News
Ballweg Chosen For JFC Role
State Senator-elect Joan Ballweg of Markesan is one of six Republican State Senators that will serve on the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee. State Senate Majority Leader-elect Devon LeMahieu Tuesday announced his appointments to the JFC for the 2021-22 legislative session. The appointments will take effect in January. Ballweg currently represents the 41st State Assembly District, but was elected last month to succeed Senator Luther Olsen in representing the 14th State Senate District. Olsen was vice-chair of the Joint Finance Committee.
WCI Cell Hall Being Closed
The state’s Department of Corrections is in the process of closing a cell hall at Waupun Correctional Institution, which is expected to decrease the institution’s population approximately 20 percent. A majority of the roughly 220 individuals being moved from WCI, a maximum security prison, are classified as medium-security and will be moved to various other medium-security DOC prisons across the state over the next few months. Transfers are already underway and are expected to continue through February. The move also helps alleviate long-standing staff vacancy issues at WCI. The proposed decrease in the prison’s population will lower the number of direct staffed posts by eight per day, and eliminate daily relief positions needed for the cell hall.
Venison Donation Program
Deer hunters who prefer to donate their venison to the needy still have that option through a program involving the DNR, meat processors, and food pantries. Conservation Warden Bill Hankee says all the information you need about how to participate is located on the DNR’s website. “All that information is on there, including the CWD sampling stations, the instructions for CWD sampling are there and also some of your deer locations are there on the website. That’s a really good resource if people can use it.” Among the tips for donating are prior to donating field dress it and register it, call the meat processor first, donate the entire deer to get it processed for free, when dropping off the deer at the processor complete the log indicating your desire to donate it. A list of participating processors is available at the DNR website.
Wisconsin’s Deer Donation Program | Wisconsin DNR

Deadline For Ordering For The Ripon Rotary Club’s Citrus Sale Today
The deadline to order for the Ripon Rotary Club’s annual citrus sale is today. Bob Amsden Citrus Sale Chair says with the pandemic they wanted to make sure even with delays that citrus being ordered arrived in time for the Thursday, December 17th pick up date at Homan Ford. “This year because of COVID issues we have a little longer delivery time between the time when I place the order and the time when the fruit can be delivered. So December 2nd is the deadline for ordering.” He says he may wait a day or two for orders sent through the mail before placing the orders. For more information call Amsden at 920-602-0580. Proceeds benefit the Ripon Rotary Club’s many community and international projects and scholarships.
Berlin Winter Parking Ordinance In Effect
Berlin residents are being reminded that the city’s winter parking restrictions went into effect Monday and run through March 30th. From 2 to 7 am each morning no one is allowed to park their vehicle or trailer on any city street. There are exceptions to the city ordinance including permits issued by the city clerk-treasurer and temporary parking permits approved by the city’s police department. More information about the winter parking ordinance can be found on Berlin Police Department’s Facebook page.
Golden Ticket Continues To Help FDL Area Restaurants
The second round of Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Dine Local Golden Ticket Give Away was nearly as successful as the first. The program done in partnership with Society Insurance provided support to area restaurants and taverns by selling their gift certificates through Envision. Envision Director of Membership and Programs Joe Venhuizen says it was one way people could support businesses having a tough time because of the pandemic. “We encourage everybody to take a look at the metrics on that because that’s a nice impact on for the Fond du Lac County area for our restaurant community. We ended up infusing over $30,000 into restaurants.” He says the gift cards are a wonderful way of helping restaurants who need cash to meet payroll and expenses. As an incentive for the Golden Ticket promotion two winners will win $500 in gift certificates. That drawing has yet to be held.
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