Dr. Darold Treffert Passes Away
15 December 2020 News
Dr. Darold Treffert, an internationally respected researcher in autism, hyperlexia, savant syndrome and related conditions, passed away unexpectedly Monday at the age of 87. He leaves behind a rich legacy through Agnesian HealthCare’s Treffert Center in Fond du Lac, which invites individuals, families and communities worldwide to explore the potential of the human mind, focusing on strengths rather than limitations. Dr. Matt Doll, Agnesian HealthCare director of Behavioral Health Services/Autism says, “Not only did Dr. Treffert have a brilliant mind, he has a beautiful soul.” Dr. Treffert was born in Fond du Lac and he and wife Dorothy raised their four children there. His family plans on a private funeral with a memorial service at a future date. You can read more about him at Agnesian.com.
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