COVID 19 Report Monday
15 December 2020 News
State health officials Monday received their fewest COVID-19 test results in the last three months with 7,350 coronavirus tests coming back. Of those 2,122 tested positive for the virus or 28.9 percent. In order for the pandemic to be considered under control the positivity rate has to be below 5 percent. New cases were reported in 66 of the state’s 72 counties. Twelve more deaths were also reported bringing the death toll since the first deaths in early March to 4,068. Seventy-seven more people were hospitalized. The Wisconsin Hospital Association says there are 1,471 COVID-19 patients in hospitals throughout the state with 319 of them in ICU.
Winnebago County reported 38 new COVID-19 cases Monday and 1 new death. Fond du Lac County recorded 121 new cases since last Friday, but no additional deaths. Since last Friday Dodge County has recorded 194 new cases, but no new deaths. Green Lake County had 1 new case Monday and Marquette County 2 new cases. Waupaca County had 12 new cases. The Waushara County Health Department says it has had 20 new COVID cases since last Friday.
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