Hometown Broadcasting News Wednesday 11/11/20
11 November 2020 News
FDL County Budget Approved
The Fond du Lac County Board last night approved the 2021 County Budget and a five-year capital improvements plan. The budget includes a $47.6 million tax levy or an increase of nearly $1.7 million over the current year. But the tax rate will actually decrease from $5.88 this year to $5.81. The County Sheriff’s office will be hiring three additional patrol deputies with the help of a Federal COPS grant and the capital improvements plan includes a $1.9 million upgrade of software for the County’s emergency communication system which includes the Sheriff’s Department, Jail, and Dispatch services.
FDL Hit And Run Suspect Caught
A 49-year-old Fond du Lac man will face multiple charges for hitting an 8-year-old child in Fond du Lac last Friday afternoon with his vehicle and fleeing the scene. The accident happened in the parking lot of the Richards and Sons bakery and left the child unconscious with a head injury. The child was flown to Children’s Hospital in Milwaukee with serious injuries, but was reported to be in stable condition. The suspect was pursued during a high speed chase that took him out of the city on Highway 151. He was eventually captured by Columbus Police after running over spiked stop strips and crashing his vehicle.
Markesan Fire Department Responds To Out Of Control Burn
The Markesan Fire Department was called to a controlled burn that got out of hand Sunday afternoon. It happened at N2558 Fiegel Road. The wind caused the fire to ignite rows of round bales. The fire was brought under control after five hours. The Markesan Fire Department was aided by the DNR and fire departments from Brandon/Fairwater, Ripon, Kingston, Marquette, and Princeton. Markesan Emergency Management and the Southern Green Lake County Ambulance also responded to the scene. No injuries were reported. The time of the fire call was 1:14 Sunday afternoon.
Homeless Sex Offender Living In FDL
Granted a discharge from a sexually violent offender commitment, 35-year-old Jonathan Miller (pictured above) is now living in Fond du Lac County. Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says Miller is homeless and has been staying in a vehicle on private property in both the Town and City of Fond du Lac. Waldschmidt sent out a previous information bulletin on Miller after a Dodge County judge approved Miller’s discharge last January. At that time Miller planned to live on a property in the Town of Alto. Miller is on GPS monitoring. Miller had two previous juvenile adjudications for first degree sexual assault of a child when he was 14 and 16-years-old. He has served the sentence that was imposed on him.
Dodge County Budget Approved
The Dodge County Board of Supervisors approved the 2021 Dodge County Budget Tuesday night. Included in the $156 million budget is a tax levy of $36 million, which is an increase of $1.4 million over the current year’s budget. The mill rate will be $5.12 per thousand dollars of assessed value which is down 2 cents from last December’s tax bills for property owners. Part of the reason for that was a four percent increase in overall property values in the county, which worked out to $7 billion. The budget was approved by a 24 to 5 vote.
Ripon Veterans Day Program
Ripon’s annual Veteran’s Day Program will be featured on the Ripon Area School District’s Facebook page today. Due to the current pandemic American Legion members, VFW members, veterans and their families, and the general public are being invited to enjoy the video premiere of the Veterans Day Remembrance and Observation Program which is live at 7 am this morning on the District’s Facebook page. It will also be available after that. Special guest speakers include Lieutenant Anne Newton and Chief Operations Specialist Donald Newton from the U.S. Coastguard.
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