Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 11/17/20
16 November 2020 News
FDL Man Found Not Guilty Of Attempted Homicide
The 21-year-old Fond du Lac man suspected of trying to beat his 73-year-old stepfather to death with a tire iron has had charges brought against him read into the record and dismissed. The exception was an attempted first degree intentional homicide charge, which Ryan Robison (pictured above) pled not guilty to by reason of insanity. During a hearing in in Fond du Lac County court last Thursday he was found guilty of the charge, but not guilty due to his plea. Authorities say on January 15th of 2019 Gary Bloedorn suffered severe head injuries, broken ribs, a ruptured lung and other injuries in the attack at the Evergreen Village Apartments in Fond du Lac. In addition part of a finger was severed in the attack. Robison will be back in court for a hearing on January 8th.
FDL Man Bound Over For Trial On Reckless Homicide Charge
A 30-year-old Fond du Lac man facing first degree reckless homicide and felony bail jumping charges for the death of a young girl has been bound over for trial. A preliminary hearing was held for Thomas Abitz Jr. in Fond du Lac County court last Friday on charges stemming from the June 2017 death of the girl. Abitz is serving a 13 year sentence for causing a traumatic brain injury to the two-year-old girl in March of 2011. She lived with the consequences of that injury until she died from what the Fond du Lac County Medical Examiner said was pneumonia from chronic health problems created by the head injury. Abitz is serving his sentence at Redgranite Correctional Institution.
Monticello Man Pleads Insanity In Oshkosh Shootings
The 40-year-old Monticello man suspected of shooting his ex-girlfriend and killing her father in Oshkosh was back in Winnebago County court Monday. Joshua Aide added a plea of not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect to charges which included first degree intentional homicide and two counts of attempted 1st degree intentional homicide for the shootings August 4th at a home in the 1700 block of Minnesota Avenue. Fifty-nine-year-old James Gruettner died at the scene. Gruettner’s daughter 33-year-old Rebecca Borkowski was shot in the ear and 57-year-old James Miller was shot in the face. Also Monday a five-day trial was scheduled for next May.
FDL Man Arrested For Fifth OWI In Washington County
A Fond du Lac man was arrested for his fifth operating while under the influence violation Sunday night on I-41 in Washington County. Sheriff Martin Schulteis says what makes the arrest so disturbing is that the man was traveling at 104 miles an hour at the time. He was heading south about 11:39 pm when he was clocked at that speed. A second deputy stopped him in the Village of Menomonee Falls. His driver’s license was revoked and he was supposed to have an ignition interlock device installed in the vehicle. The man failed a field sobriety test and a preliminary breath test put his blood alcohol level at twice the legal limit.
Missing Boy Found
Calumet County Sheriff’s officials say within minutes of issuing a wireless emergency alert Sunday they learned the location of a missing 12-year-old autistic boy who had strayed from his home in New Holstein. Part of the concern was due to the weather, which was cold, windy and rainy. Within 7 minutes of sending out the emergency alert via text message to smart phones in the New Holstein area an alert resident spotted the missing boy and contacted authorities. The boy was found unharmed walking along a roadway about four miles from his home.
Winter Parking Restrictions In Place In Ripon
Winter parking restrictions are now in place in the City of Ripon. Parking on city streets is prohibited from 3 to 6 am November 15th to April 1st. Drivers were given a break during the first two nights of enforcement with nearly 200 warnings placed on cars. The winter parking restrictions are part of a city ordinance.
Wellness Check Part Of ADVOCAP Home Delivered Meals Program
Officials with ADVOCAP’s Senior Nutrition program say part of the program is a wellness component. The program has 11 meal sites and 12 home delivery routes for the Omro, Pickett, Winneconne, Oshkosh and the Neenah-Menasha areas. With COVID-19 only the home delivery routes are still active. Dawn Patterson is ADVOCAP’s Food and Nutrition Director. She says their drivers and the only people some of those being delivered to see each day. So they check on the people they are delivering to making sure they are okay. “We are the only people that our participants sometimes see so we want to make sure that there is that communication between the driver and the person so they do sit and talk a little bit, but they make sure that they maintain that six-foot distance between the people.” ADVOCAP Outreach Specialist Amanda Wiechman says five or six times they had to call 911 because drivers could see through the door that people needed help.
Ripon Rotary Citrus Sale Is Underway
The Ripon Rotary Club’s annual citrus sale is underway with a few new wrinkles this year. Bob Amsden Citrus Sale Chair says proceeds benefit their many community and international projects and scholarships. He says this year in addition to Grapefruit and Oranges people can order Clementines. “But I’m sort of excited about Clementines because I love them. I love them when they have them in the grocery store so I’m going to order some. They come in a box rather than cases so I don’t know how many there are. They go by pounds so you get five pounds” You can find an order form in this week’s Ripon Commonwealth and also next week’s Ripon Express and Ripon Press. New this year you can also order online just search for Ripon Rotary Wisconsin. The deadline for ordering is December 2nd with the pickup date at Homan Ford from 10 am to 4 pm on Thursday, December 17th or you can have a Rotary member deliver it. Costs vary depending on what you order for more information call Amsden at 920-602-0580.
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