Hometown Broadcasting News Friday 11/13/20
13 November 2020 News
Several Involved In Berlin Vandalism and Burglary
Several juveniles and an adult will face charges for vandalism and a burglary that happened in Berlin. Police say about 100 yards of freshly poured concrete curb on Webster Street was damaged when someone left footprints and carvings in it. Damage is estimated at $15,000. While investigating that complaint officers also learned of a burglary where four firearms were stolen. The firearms were ultimately recovered. The juveniles and the adult were involved in both incidents and are facing charges as a result.
Two Arrested At Columbia County Rest Area
Two men are facing charges after a Columbia County Sheriff’s deputy determined a car parked in a rest area along Interstate 90/94 in the Town of Dekorra was stolen. The deputy and a State Trooper contacted the driver 37-year-old Christopher Crawford of Baraboo who showed signs of impairment. A passenger 26-year-old Trevor Kelley of Portage appeared to be passed out. The two were arrested and were taken to the Columbia County Jail. Crawford is facing his 3rd OWI offense, possession of stolen property, possession of methamphetamine and other charges. Kelley is also facing multiple charges including possession of heroin and felon in possession of a firearm. The incident happened late Wednesday night.
Ring Video Doorbell Recall
Ring Doorbells has issued a recall for its 2nd generation of Ring Video Doorbells due to a fire hazard. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says the video doorbell’s battery can overheat when the incorrect screws are used for installation, posing fire and burn hazards. Officials say people who purchased them should contact Ring for revised installation instructions or download them online. About 350,000 of the units were sold in the U.S. and another 8,700 in Canada. The Commission’s website has more information about the recall, which was issued Tuesday.
Plea For COVID Safe Holiday Gatherings
Fond du Lac County schools and the county health department composed a letter to families and community members calling for the community to work together to slow the spread of COVID-19 as people gather during the holidays. It was sent out Thursday. It detailed what is considered low, moderate, and high risk activities and included tips for a safer celebration. Low risk activities for instance would include preparing a meal with only people who live in your household, preparing meals for family and neighbors and delivering them in a way that doesn’t involve contact with others, shopping online, and holding virtual gatherings. A high risk activity would for instance involve a large indoor gathering with people from outside of your household or going shopping in a crowded store.
Contact Tracing Burden
Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says the changes in protocol for contact tracing in Fond du Lac County show you just how fast the coronavirus has spread. He says back in March the health department would contact everyone who had been in contact with someone that tested positive. But now due to the sheer number of new cases contract tracers for the county are only contacting those who tested positive and asking that person to notify their close contacts. “Right now the county is overwhelmed. The county health department is overwhelmed when it comes to contact tracers. They have 50 full-time equivalent contact tracers who are just doing nothing but trying to contact people and guide them through the process of isolation and contacting their friends.” He says it is a huge burden on the health care industry. Puhlmann-Becker also notes that County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller told the task force the greatest incident of spread comes from family gatherings and small groups.
OASD Moves Forward With Winter Sports and Activities
The Oshkosh Area School District has made the decision to move forward with high school winter activities and athletics for the 2020-21 school year. The decision was made with considerations including mask-wearing, appropriate social distancing, cleaning and sanitation requirements, limits on crowd attendance specific to each activity and sport, and other safety protocols. Additional guidance for specific activities and athletics will be provided by high school athletic departments in the near future. Plans are evolving with the current conditions.
Ripon Roar Days
The Ripon Education Foundation will be holding its first ever #RiponRoar Days-a campaign for the Ripon School District next week during American Education Week. It’s a fundraiser that will use social media channels, email, direct mail, and phone solicitations to encourage parents, alumni, friends, and community members to make a donation and share what they cherish about the Ripon School District. Donations will help fund the Foundation’s Program Fund, which provides teaching and learning grants, tutoring scholarships, and other grants that expand student learning. Cindy Cody of the Foundation’s Board of Directors says they are hoping to get 226 donations during the week. “We set our goal to be 226 donors and that number represents the number of faculty and staff currently employed by the school district. So we are looking for one donor to represent each of those staff members and honor them during American Education Week.” Information will be shared throughout the week on both the Foundation’s and School District’s Facebook page about giving opportunities, challenges and more. Checks can also be sent to the Ripon Education Foundation at PO Box 395, Ripon Wisconsin 54971.
Christmas In The Village This Weekend In Ripon
A visit from Santa Claus will highlight the Christmas in the Village celebration in Ripon this weekend. He will arrive via Ripon Fire Department ladder truck tonight at 5:55 making his way down Watson Street to the Village Green where he will light the decorations on the bandstand and greet those in attendance. He will return to the Village Green Saturday from 11 am to 1 pm to greet children from a distance. Most stores will be open until 8 pm tonight and 5 pm tomorrow. Live Reindeer will also be on display on the Village Green from noon to 4 pm Saturday. The Village Green is private property owned by Ripon Main Street.
Veterans Startup Program
It’s no accident that Startup Wisconsin Week kicked off on Veterans Day. The week in part is about helping entrepreneurs and small business owners to find funds for their ideas. Sarah Spang is the Director of Small Business and Entrepreneurship for Envision Greater Fond du Lac. She says part of the focus of their version, Startup Fond du Lac Week, is directed at veterans and partners them with the Wisconsin Women’s Business Coalition. “So they are going to be doing a program about the Veterans Business Outreach Center and that is going to help discuss specifically what type of services is out there for veterans.” She says that online program will be next Monday morning from 9 to 10 am. More details are available on the Envision website.
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