
Agnesian Turkey Donation

24 November 2020 News

Agnesian HealthCare is donating more than 500 turkeys to benefit families in Fond du Lac and surrounding communities during the Thanksgiving holiday. For the past five years, Agnesian provided a free turkey to all of its employees and providers to enjoy at Thanksgiving or another time. This year, volunteers were added due to the cancellation of the annual holiday gatherings due to COVID-19. They had the option to donate their turkey for distribution to area food pantries. On November 13th, turkeys were given to 11 non-profit organizations in Fond du Lac, Oakfield, Ripon and Waupun.

Seen above: Tim Carlton (left) and Matt Breaux (third from left), Lighthouse Christian Church, are shown accepting the donation from Rich Nimkie (second from right), Agnesian HealthCare Food and Nutrition Services executive chef, and Donna Van Buren (right), director of Hospitality Services at Agnesian HealthCare. 
