Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 10/12/20
12 October 2020 News
Ripon Woman Suspected Of Theft And Burglary
(Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s photo)
A 23-year-old Ripon woman is charged with burglary and theft for entering a neighbor’s home and allegedly taking booze and $1,000 in cash. Ashley Geurts made her initial appearance in Fond du Lac County court Friday morning. She was released on a $1,500 signature bond and has a preliminary hearing on December. 11th. According to the criminal complaint the victim told police he suspected Geurts because she had recently gotten out of rehab and was an alcoholic. After police left the victim’s residence Geurts went over and returned the money to the victim. The victim told police he would drop charges if she agreed to go back to rehab.
Applications Being Taken For Winnebago County Judge
Governor Evers is accepting applicants for a seat on the Winnebago County Circuit Court bench. Judge Karen L. Seifert is resigning effective January 4th, 2021. The new judge will complete her term, which ends August 31st, 2022. Interested applicants can find an application on Governor Ever’s website on the “Apply to Serve” page. Completed application forms and supporting materials need to be emailed back to GOVJudicialAppointments@wisconsin.gov by 8 am on Monday, November 2nd.
Highway 175 Closure In FDL County Today
The state’s Department of Transportation says maintenance crews will be working on northbound State Highway 175 between Fond du Lac County Highways F and B today. The work will wrap up by 5 pm this afternoon. Crews are replacing a culvert. Drivers will be detoured during the full closure. They should take County Highway F east to County K. Take County K north to County B and follow County B west to State Highway 175.
COVID Deaths More Than Statistics
A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that people dying of the coronavirus are more than statistics. “That’s somebody’s loved one, their family, their dad, their bread winner, their mom, their grandmother, these are real people and statistically they are small numbers, but they are real people. It’s different than natural causes and other things, cancer that we fight.” Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says the difference between the pandemic and something like cancer is we can fight it by taking precautions like wearing masks, social distancing, frequently washing our hands, disinfecting surfaces, and staying home when we are sick. About 1 percent of the COVID cases in Wisconsin have resulted in death.
Fire Prevention Week Advice
Fire Prevention Week may be over, but the safety reminders that accompanied it last week are pertinent throughout the year. Ripon Area Fire District Chief Tim Saul says his constant piece of advice is to have working smoke detectors in the home. He says most of the house fires they responded over the past year had one thing in common, no working smoke detectors. “I think in every fire we’ve had in the last year there has not been working smoke detectors and that is the part that is so hard to accept and to grasp to wrap out heads around because it is such an easy thing to do.” He says if you have a fire get out and call 911; don’t try to put the fire out yourself. He says you only have three minutes to get out before the fire becomes uncontrollable. Other advice he passes along; if there is smoke crawl below it, feel doors handles for heat before you open them, and have a place the family can meet outside so you know everyone got out safe.
State Of The Economy Virtual Presentation
Envision Greater Fond du Lac Vice President of Economic Development Jim Cleveland invites area businesses to participate in their virtual seminar next month on the “State of the Economy.” It will be on the ZOOM platform from 8 to 9:30 am on Tuesday, November 17th. He says their featured speaker is and trade compliance lawyer from a Chicago firm that has done some good programs for Envision before. “He is currently out of the Chicago market, but he does a great job of discussing how current day events are going to insect with the economy, trade.” He says information on how to register for the seminar will be carried on the Envision website. The seminar will incorporate information from a survey Envision is sending out to businesses on how they are coping with COVID-19’s impact on the economy.
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