
COVID 19 Report Monday

13 October 2020 News

State health officials reported nine deaths and 1,956 new COVID-19 cases Monday. The new cases were 20 percent of the 9,771 test results returned to the state. Since testing began in February 152,912 state residents have tested positive for the coronavirus with 29,478 of those cases still active. Meanwhile the death toll statewide is 1,474 persons. The Wisconsin Hospital Association Monday reported 950 people are hospitalized and 240 of them are in intensive care.

Winnebago County reported 124 new COVID-19 cases Monday and 3 more deaths putting its totals at 6,297 total cases and 45 deaths. Since last Friday Fond du Lac County has reported 280 new cases and 1 new death giving it 3,054 total cases and 15 deaths. Dodge County has had 193 new cases since last Friday to put its total cases at 2,621 with 19 deaths. Twenty new cases were reported in Green Lake County giving it 479 cases and 1 new death puts that total at 2 people. Marquette County had 11 new cases to give it 417 cases and 2 deaths. Since last Friday Waupaca County has recorded 136 new cases and 2 new deaths giving it a total of 1,724 cases and 26 deaths. The Waushara County Health Department reports 62 new cases since last Friday putting its total cases at 623 and 3 deaths since the pandemic began.
