
COVID 19 Report Wednesday

10 September 2020 News

After Tuesday’s record high of nearly 17.6 percent of COVID-19 test results returning positive Wisconsin saw the rate drop back to 9.7 percent Wednesday with 857 of the 8,871 test results coming back positive for the coronavirus. But after three days of holding steady the death toll rose by 15 cases putting the total since the outbreak began at 1,183 cases. The total number of cases since early February is now at 83,334 in the state with 8,169 active cases.

Winnebago County Health officials say they experienced 1 new death from COVID-19 and that was at a long-term care facility. Winnebago County also reported 18 new cases Wednesday raising its totals to 1,748 cases with 22 deaths. Dodge County reported 54 new cases giving it 1,272 cases and 6 deaths. Seventeen new cases were reported in Fond du Lac County, which has had 1,320 total cases and 12 deaths. Two new cases were reported in Green Lake County giving it 114 total cases of COVID. Marquette County recorded 8 new cases yesterday and now has 118 cases with 1 death. Waupaca County had 5 new cases giving it 796 cases and 18 deaths. The Waushara County Health Department reported 6 new coronavirus cases Wednesday putting its totals at 210 cases with 2 deaths since the health crisis began.
