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BD Area Orchestra Awards Scholarships

20 September 2020 News

Beaver Dam, Wis.: The Beaver Dam Area Orchestra has awarded three scholarships to area students: Ayla Loomans, Levi Schepp, and Sydney Wolfgram.

“We want to give to the future. These students are our future players. It is important for the Orchestra to invest in the education and development of students like Ayla, Levi, Sydney, and more,” said Mary Vogl-Rauscher of the Beaver Dam Area Orchestra Board of Directors.

The scholarship distributions were made from two newly created funds made possible through a partnership with the Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation.

The Beaver Dam Area Orchestra was the first nonprofit organization to establish funds with the Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation following the Foundation’s founding in September 2019.

The Beaver Dam Area Orchestra Endowed Fund and Beaver Dam Area Orchestra Non Endowed Fund were created under the premise of two primary goals: gain interest on the money in their funds and use the funds to provide scholarships to local students.

“The Beaver Dam Area Orchestra has a particularly special place within the Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation family of funds,” said Tom Heffron, president of the Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation Advisory Board.

Both the endowed and non endowed funds are used to provide scholarships to area students who play in the Beaver Dam Area Orchestra. Scholarship recipients are required to be participants in the Orchestra. Student musicians have the potential to receive $250 for each year they play in the Orchestra, with a maximum scholarship award of $1,000.

Mary Vogl-Rauscher stated “we established the funds to be able to provide scholarships to offset increasing national tuition costs. Working in partnership with the Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation allows us to streamline the process while growing our funds through donations and collected interest.”

The Orchestra hopes graduates who receive a scholarship and decide to return to Dodge County after college will consider rejoining the Beaver Dam Area Orchestra.

Those interested in supporting the Beaver Dam Area Orchestra Endowed Fund and Beaver Dam Area Orchestra Non Endowed Fund can learn more about becoming a donor at  www.beaverdamacf.com/becomeadonor or by contacting Beaver Dam Area Community Foundation President Tom Heffron at (920) 763-2618.
