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Hometown Broadcasting News Thursday 8/20/20

20 August 2020 News

Drug Suspect Tries To Bite Sheriff’s Detective

Columbia County Sheriff’s officials say while they were arresting a suspected drug dealer the 37-year-old Portage man tried to bite a Sheriff’s detective. When Loyal Stowers was pulled over for a traffic violation at a gas station in the City of Portage Tuesday he got out of his vehicle and ran into the gas station. When detectives tried to take him into custody he allegedly struggled with them and tried to bite one of them. A Portage Police K9 was then deployed to apprehend him. The traffic violation was committed after Stowers was seen leaving a known drug area. He’s being held in the Columbia County Jail on a number of charges including methamphetamine trafficking.

Youth Vandalize Princeton

A couple of kids running through the streets of Princeton late Sunday night vandalized some private property. One resident complaining to police reported garbage cans being flipped over, flower beds being trampled, and that political signs were stolen or tossed into the streets. Princeton Police Chief Matthew Bargenquast says an officer had contact with three juveniles believed to be responsible for the damage and they were issued curfew violation and other citations.  Anyone who does see that type of activity is asked to call the Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office at 920-294-4134 or the Princeton Police Department at 920-295-6250.

Drive Sober Campaign Underway

The Ripon Police Department is among the law enforcement agencies across the state that is participating in the “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” enforcement effort. It begins tomorrow and runs through Labor Day, Monday September 7th.  A similar effort in Fond du Lac County last December resulted in 20 OWI arrests. Officers also issued citations for 320 speeding violations, 72 operating after revocation or suspension violations, 11 traffic sign or traffic light violations, 6 safety belt violations, 5 drug arrests and two warrant arrests. There were also two high-speed chases and subsequent arrests.

Some Colleges Struggling With COVID

A member of the Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says some colleges reopening for school are running into problems with the virus. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says that’s basically due to students not taking protective measures during larger social gatherings. “Several colleges had opened for a week or two and because of off-campus parties have now scaled back to virtual learning only for the moment that there are these parties, but they are not taking seriously this health threat.” Notre Dame had an outbreak with 80 people on Monday and 147 people total and went to virtual learning. Puhlmann-Becker says every school and school district is taking the health crisis seriously.  He says the president of Northwestern University wrote a piece saying we need to get back to school because it may take a couple of years for things to come under control.

Biden Will Accept Nomination Tonight In Milwaukee

The co-chair of the Democratic National Convention says the Presidential Election is all about leadership. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says especially at this point we need leadership and he doesn’t feel President Trump is getting it done. “And what I want to see is some adult leadership in the White House. I want to see someone who wants bring this country together at a time when division could really hurt us.” He says Joe Biden has a track record of working with people and getting things done. Biden will accept the Democratic Party’s nomination for President tonight in Milwaukee.

OASD Postpones High School Sports Fall Season

The Oshkosh Area School District Tuesday joined a growing list of school districts postponing their high school sports fall seasons.  The district will be using the model provided by the WIAA and will hold their fall sports season in the spring of 2021. In addition the middle school cross country and girls volleyball seasons have been postponed. The district will continue to explore options at the middle school level, including moving those seasons to sometime later in the school year.

Winneconne Bridge Recognized

The recently completed State Highway 116 bridge over the Wolf River in Winneconne has been selected for recognition from America’s Transportation Awards. In 2019, the Wisconsin DOT reconstructed the bridge at an investment of $11.4 million to current design and safety standards. The new structure also provides safer accommodations for fishing, snowmobiling and river traffic. The previous structure was constructed in 1934 and had reached the end of its useful life. The new bridge supports fishing by providing two platforms that each extend about 220 feet from the shoreline.

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