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Hometown Broadcasting News Monday 8/3/20

3 August 2020 News

Mask Enforcement

A growing number of law enforcement agencies say they won’t be enforcing the new mandate requiring the use of face masks indoors or enclosed spaces away from home. Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt says they do not have the resources of time to respond to complaints about people not wearing masks. He also asks that people do not contact the County Communications Center with those types of complaints because they too are busy handling urgent law enforcement, EMS, and fire-related calls. Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt says there are medical reasons and other legitimate reasons why someone may not be required to wear a mask. Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis says they are busy with calls and masks are not a police matter unless concealing your identity to commit a crime. Columbia and Calumet Sheriff’s Departments also will not respond to mask complaints, but the Green Lake County Sheriff’s and Waupaca County Sheriff’s offices will respond for complaints at businesses.

Ripon School Referendum Question To Be Set This Month

The Ripon School Board this month will approve an operational referendum question for the November ballot. Similar to previous referendums passed by voters it will ask for $500,000 a year for 6 years to help with costs. District Superintendent Mary Whitrock says the district was responsible with its spending before state caps were put in place and as a result were locked into lower per student funding. She says that’s why they are asking for voter approval for the additional taxpayer money. “And it’s because of the low revenue limit they we have in Ripon. We are actually funded below the state average so those additional dollars have assisted us with curriculum materials, with technology, with some maintenance items.” Whitrock notes the disparity in funding ranges for some districts including Ripon as low as $8,000 to $9,000 a student up to $16,000 a student for others.

Lots Of Data Changes With COVID 19 Battle

There is so much data connected with the pandemic those who are trying to protect us from it are having a hard time keeping up. Jeff Puhlmann-Becker of Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force says one example of that is what the state was telling child care centers when Safer at Home orders were first being put into place. “Child care center right in the beginning when the state shut down said to child care centers if you need to exceed your license go for it. If you’re licensed for 125 and you need to bring more in do it. And a week and half later they said we are cutting you down to 50 children no more 10 staff no more, so the data changed so fast inside of 8 to 10 days.” Puhlmann-Becker says at first the experts also discouraged the use of face masks fearing it would lead to a shortage that would affect health care workers, but now there use is not only encouraged but  by order of Governor required indoors and in enclosed spaces away from home.

Trump Campaign Sign Body Slammed

(Waupaca County Sheriff’s photos)

Waupaca County Sheriff’s officials are looking for a man who damaged a Trump/Pence campaign sign by throwing his body into it. A surveillance camera caught the move in the New London area on camera. Sheriff Timothy Wilz says they want to remind everyone that regardless of political affiliations or personal feelings, we must respect others property and rights. Wilz says in the Facebook post, “This includes “Stone Cold” Steve Austin wrestling moves into other peoples’ political signs. He asks that anyone with information about the incident contact Deputy Barden at 715-258-4466 or the Waupaca County Crime Stoppers at 1-888-258-9955.

Aerial Traffic Enforcement Effort In FDL County

The Wisconsin State Patrol will be watching for speeders and reckless drivers from above Interstate 41  today in Fond du Lac County. Providing weather is favorable for flying a plane will be teamed with law enforcement teams on the ground to enforce traffic laws. Captain Ryan Chaffee of the Fond du Lac Post says, “Speeders and reckless drivers endanger everyone traveling along our roadways.” He adds through public education and high-visibility enforcement they want motorists to voluntarily comply with traffic laws that are designed to keep everyone safe.

Congressman Grothman Town Hall Meetings Today

Congressman Glenn Grothman will be holding three town hall meetings today, two of them in-person gatherings. The indoors meetings will be at the Newton Town Hall in Manitowoc from 9 to 10 this morning and the second at the Mt. Calvary Town Hall from 2:30 to 3:30 this afternoon. Both will be limited to 30 people. An outdoors meeting will be held at Rochester Park in Sheboygan Falls from 11 am to Noon. Those attending are asked to bring face masks, hand sanitizer, maintain social distancing of at least six feet, and check your temperature before you attend. Faces masks and hand sanitizer will also be available.

Highway Markings Contract

Governor Tony Evers recently approved a $1.35 million contract to improve pavement markings at various locations on state and U.S. Highways throughout the northeast region of the state. Specifically the work will be performed on roads in 11 counties including; Brown, Calumet, Fond du Lac, Outagamie, Sheboygan, and Winnebago counties. The highways will be open during the work which began this past week and will wrap up in October.


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