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Leusink Runs For Waushara County DA

1 July 2020 News

Twice Matthew Leusink submitted his name for consideration when Governor Evers was looking to appoint a District Attorney for Waushara County, but without success. Now the conservative Republican is running against the Democrat the Governor appointed to seat for the office. Leusink got experience as an intern and part-time assistant District Attorney in the Green Lake, Walworth, and Fond du Lac County District Attorneys’ offices. Since 2015 he has been an Assistant District Attorney for Walworth County with over 60 jury trials under his belt. He’s says we have to be strict with drunken drivers. “You have to be very aggressive on that and I think that that is something that helped to reduce the amount of fatal crashes that we’ve had from OWIs. Felony drugs I think is another thing to focus on, also crimes with vulnerable victims I think that obviously children the elderly especially.” Leusink currently lives in Delavan, but would be allowed to move to Waushara County prior to taking office. Democrat Lauren Waite is the current Waushara County District Attorney and is also running for the seat.

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