Harsh Runs For State Assembly
21 July 2020 News
State Assembly candidate Chuck Harsh says he is not a politician, but would like to make a difference so that’s why he’s running for the 41st State Assembly seat. The Montello man is one of four Republican candidates running for the seat. He was a Marine and after that taught school and served as a principal in Montello. Currently he teaches alternative education for CESA5 and also has a part-time job as a deputy for the Marquette County Sheriff’s Department. He also serves on Montello’s Board of Education. Harsh says we have to find an alternative way of funding education. He points out some rural school districts don’t receive anywhere near the two-thirds funding the state once committed to. “Montello for instance is down around 16 percent. There are some neighboring schools just in the next county that get zero or two percent so I think the first thing on the agenda about schools is finding a suitable funding source.” He also feels there is a huge need for better access to mental health care and health care in general. Harsh says he’s in favor of medical marijuana, but that we need a larger conversation about allowing its recreational use. He also believes more money needs to be focused training law enforcement not taking it away from them. You can find out more about Chuck Harsh’s candidacy at his website chuckharsh.com.
To hear a podcast of an interview with Chuck Harsh click here.
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