COVID 19 Report Tuesday
15 July 2020 News
The state set a new record for the number of positive COVID-19 results coming back in a single day with 964 new cases Tuesday. That was 6.57 percent of the 14,680 test results returned yesterday. It brings the total number of confirmed cases since the pandemic began to 37,906 in Wisconsin. After three days with no new deaths Tuesday saw 6 additional deaths bringing that toll to 826. New coronavirus cases were reported in 53 of the state’s 72 counties.
Winnebago County is nearing 800 COVID-19 cases with 11 new cases reported and 1 new death Tuesday bringing the County’s total to 788 cases and 14 deaths. Five new cases were reported in Dodge County putting its totals at 528 cases and 5 deaths. Fond du Lac County had two new cases giving it 404 cases and 6 deaths. Green Lake County had no new cases and has 43 total cases, and Marquette County also held steady at 53 cases with 1 death. Waupaca County Public Health reported 8 new cases Tuesday giving it 197 cases with 13 deaths and Waushara County had 1 new case giving it a total of 47 cases since the outbreak began.
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