
COVID 19 Report Sunday

20 July 2020 News

It wasn’t record breaking, but the state had a high number of new COVID-19 cases Sunday with 830 people testing positive or 10.3 percent of all test results that were returned. Since the outbreak began in early February 42,315 Wisconsin residents have tested positive for the coronavirus and 730,902 have tested negative. Fifty-two of the state’s 72 counties saw new cases yesterday. There was also one new death bringing that toll to 844 during the pandemic.

Fourteen new COVID-19 cases were reported in Winnebago County Sunday bringing the county’s total to 847 cases with 14 deaths. Dodge County recorded 7 new cases putting its totals at 564 with 5 deaths. Fond du Lac County had 6 new cases bringing its totals to 433 cases and 6 deaths. Green Lake County had 1 new case putting its total at 47 cases, and Marquette County also had 1 new case giving it 57 cases with 1 death. Waupaca County recorded 3 new cases yesterday giving it 215 cases and 13 deaths, and Waushara County had 1 new case giving it a total of 52 cases since the outbreak began.
