Black Lives Matter Mural In Downtown Ripon Gets Needed Certificate
28 July 2020 News
The Ripon Common Council last night unanimously approved a certificate of appropriateness, which will allow a Black Lives Matter mural on the side of building in downtown Ripon to remain up. The certificate was one of five items on a consent agenda that the Council approved without discussion. But prior to that people spoke both for and against the mural during the public comment section of the meeting. Most talked about the message and not the heart of the matter, which was the certificate allowing it to be put up on a building in a historic district should have been sought before it was painted on the side of The Heist. Kat Griffith presented the Council with a copy of an online petition that over 900 people, mostly Ripon College students, signed in favor of the mural and quoted from some of the comments from those signing onto the petition. Former City Alderman Doug Iverson spoke against the mural not because of its message, but because it was put up before going through proper channels.
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