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Ripon Police Stunned By Video Of George Floyd Death

5 June 2020 News

When Ripon Police Chief Bill Wallner and his officers saw the video of a Minneapolis Police officer kneeling on the neck of George Floyd they were stunned about that use of force. Wallner says it was not a proper use of force and would cause positional asphyxia something they try to avoid when using force. Wallner wrote a letter to the community posted on social media talking about the case. “I was stunned when I saw the video. It’s not what we train our officers about. It’s not how we train our officers to behave. It just needed to be said that that kind of behavior and circumstance should not be tolerated.” He says his officers were angry, sad, and disappointed about what they witnessed in the video. He says unfortunately the incident lumped a lot of good officers in with the few actually involved in Floyd’s death. According to FBI statistics from 2017 law enforcement officers across the country handle 200,000 to 300,000 citizen contacts a day, but less than one percent require a use of force.

Facebook letter to the community click here.
