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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 6/2/20

2 June 2020 News

Officer Involved Shooting In Watertown

The state’s Department of Justice is investigating an officer-involved shooting that occurred during a traffic stop in Watertown Sunday night. Police stopped the vehicle for a burnt-out taillight. The driver was wanted for questioning in a domestic incident. Non-lethal means were used prior to an officer shooting and striking the man. A firearm was found at the scene. The man was taken to a nearby hospital. No one else was injured during the incident. The officer involved in the shooting was placed on administrative leave by the Watertown Police Department.

Dodge County Bridge May Not Be Safe

Because of a safety defect the Dodge County Highway Department has narrowed a bridge and put stop signs in place to protect drivers. Sheriff’s officials say they learned from the Highway Department that railings on the County Highway S Bridge just west of County Highway G are defective and might not perform as expected if a vehicle struck them. The bridge near Leipsig is scheduled to be replaced in the summer of 2021.

Buckling Pavement Possible

The state’s Department of Transportation is warning motorists that today’s hot temperatures could create conditions for pavement buckling. It occurs when weather quickly goes from cool to very hot. This causes slabs of pavement to expand and push against one another. If the pressure becomes great enough, the pavement can buckle and create unexpected bumps or dips. The DOT recommends slowing down, buckling up and focusing your full attention on the roadway. Also watch for slowing traffic and be ready to move over for all roadside workers, including highway crews as they repair damage pavement.

Slow No Wake

The Waupaca County Emergency Management Office has declared a flood emergency for the waters of the Wolf River downstream of the City of New London. The declaration imposes a Slow-No-Wake zone on the Wolf River. Under the order no boat may operate at faster than Slow-No-Wake on the river downstream of New London within 500 feet of a permanent building. The order does not include fishing rafts. The order remains in effect until the waters of the Wolf River recede to a non-threatening level.

WisHope Initial Success

Ripon Police Chief Bill Wallner says he’s pleased with the initial success of teaming up with WisHope to get help for those with drug and alcohol problems that his officers encounter. He notes some of those they deal with want to get help, but connecting them with the right resources in a timely manner can prove to be difficult. Connecting them with peer coaches from WisHope gets the ball rolling. Wallner says they saw some success right out of the gate. “We had great success with it so far the first week that we were involved in the program we actually had three referrals to them and very successful, very involved, great response by the program. I’ve been very pleased.” Those who would like to know more about the program can call the Ripon Police Department at (920) 748-2888 or WisHope at 1-844-WIS-HOPE or you can visit the WisHope website.

Business Plans Working

Fond du Lac County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says there was a lot of apprehension when businesses began reopening after the Safer at Home order was overturned by the state’s Supreme Court. She says residents expressed concerns, but businesses in the county have been responsible and put measures in place to make sure customers and employees are safe from the pandemic. “Although there was lots of worry around businesses I want to share how impressed I have been for our entire business community. Our businesses have plans and the plans are working.” She gives as an example a person who tested positive. They contacted that person’s employer and learned because of the changes the business had made in their environment and workflow that person had no close contact with anyone else on the job. Mueller still cautions everyone to practice social distancing, hand washing, wearing protective face masks, and taking other precautions against the pandemic.

Slow Down For Highway Projects

Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Captain Bill Tadych says it’s time to slow down for those working in construction zones on our roadways. Typically there will be orange barrels and signage notifying drivers of upcoming work zones, but traffic can also be backed on busy highways where lanes are reduced. Tadych says you also have to move over for those construction vehicles, just as you would for a squad car, ambulance, fire engine, or tow truck. “But if you see a utility vehicle or highway maintenance vehicle out there and there lights are on and they are on the side of the road you got to do the move over or slow down for emergency vehicles.” County Highway projects in Fond du Lac County this year include improvements to County Highways F, N, and four stretches of County Highway V. There are also state and interstate highway projects as well.

Cookie Daze Cancelled

Organizers of Ripon’s Cookie Daze have decided to cancel this summer’s 25th annual event, which had been scheduled for August 1st. There were concerns over the high degree of uncertainty about what the coming months would bring in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Organizers say this is the time of year when they typically make critical decisions about the event, how to stage and finance it. The Cookie Daze committee and Ripon Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors will continue to discuss the event moving forward.


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