Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 6/16/20
16 June 2020 News
Fatal Crash Over The Weekend In Dodge County
Dodge County Sheriff’s officials say a 24-year-old Fox Lake man was killed in a one-vehicle accident on State Highway 33 in the Town of Trenton Sunday morning. The driver was heading north and failed to negotiate a curve. His car went into a ditch up a lawn and struck the front of the house at N8593. The driver died at the scene. Alcohol is believed to be a contributing factor in the crash. Deputies responded to the accident at 7:14 that morning.
Vigil And Demonstration In Ripon Mostly Peaceful
Ripon Police Chief Bill Wallner says two events Sunday meant to honor racial violence victims and promote a better understanding of the issue were for the most part peaceful. A vigil at the Rotary Square drew about 125 to 150 people and another on Blackburn Street in the area of the Little White Schoolhouse 30 to 40 more. Chief Wallner says no arrests were made though there were a few minor verbal exchanges. He feels it was a great demonstration of the community’s ability to express opposing viewpoints in a peaceful manner. Ripon Police were assisted by the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Department and the Wisconsin State Patrol.
Vandalism Threat Against The Little White Schoolhouse
Vandalism threats against Ripon’s Little White Schoolhouse did not come to fruition this past weekend. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jason Mansmith says they became aware of threats tied to two events Sunday meant to honor racial violence victims and promote a better understanding of the issue. Most of the comments were on social media. Ripon Police stepped up patrols and a member of the Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Auxiliary was stationed at the Schoolhouse from 6 pm Saturday to 6 am Monday. Mansmith says fortunately nothing occurred. “Happy to report that we did not have any issues come up over the weekend, didn’t receive any calls or anything like that. We will work with local law enforcement and the proper authorities this week to see maybe when we might be able to reopen the schoolhouse.” The Schoolhouse was closed for the weekend to protect the staff. The Little White Schoolhouse is considered “The Birthplace of the Republican Party,” but was also instrumental in helping launch efforts opposing the expansion of slavery.
FDL County Board Meeting Preview
The Fond du Lac County Board will get an update tonight from County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller on the COVID-19 impact in the county. The board will also consider accepting a $69,468 Public Health Emergency Preparedness COVID-19 grant from the state’s Department of Health Services. A resolution would also increase the per day rate for Huber inmates in the County Jail to $22. Former County Supervisors Judy Goldsmith, Joseph Koch, and Martin Schroeder will also be honored with a resolution. The meeting is at 6 pm at the City-County Government Center in Fond du Lac.
Twenty Somethings Getting Sick From COVID 19
Fond du Lac County reported 16 new cases of COVID-19 over the weekend bringing its total to 273 cases. County Public Health Officer Kim Mueller says they are seeing a troubling pattern. She says about half or better of the new cases they saw over the past week involved those 20 to 29 years of age. “We have had over 50 positive cases in the last week and about half or a little more than half of those fall into that age range of 20 to 29. This group is getting COVID and passing it on to each other because they are not physically distancing.” She says hanging out with your friends is fine, but make sure you are socially distancing. She also cautions against sharing food and drinks and advises against hanging out with someone that is sick.
Stimulus Cost
Congressman Glenn Grothman says another stimulus bill maybe in the offing as we deal with economic fallout from the pandemic, but the country has already gone trillions of dollars into debt with the first few efforts. “I am not thrilled with the idea of spending more money. You know we’ve already gone through $3 trillion. I don’t think the average person realizes how much that is, I’m sure the total debt for this year probably will go up $4 trillion.” He says $4 trillion in debt amounts to about $11,000 to $12,000 a year for every person in the country. He points out he already voted against an attempted stimulus bill that would have spent another $3 trillion.
Oshkosh School Board Considering Referendum Timing
The Oshkosh Area School Board will discuss the Administration’s funding and referendum-both operational and capital-recommendations at its June 14th meeting. The Board in particular will consider timing for a possible referendum. Based on extensive work by a Board-appointed Facility Advisory Committee, in February 2020 the School Board approved a four-phase plan to consolidate and update its schools, most of which were built more than 50 years ago. The facilities plan, which would require voter-approved capital funding spread out over the coming decades, would reduce the number of schools from 20 to 14 to maximize their use and efficiency by updating many, closing some, and building two new schools.
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