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Hometown Broadcasting News Tuesday 5/12/20

12 May 2020 News

Spanish Flu Parallel

It was the second wave of the Spanish Flu in 1918 that proved to be more deadly than the first something medical professionals and scientists are pointing toward with the current pandemic. Ripon Community COVID-19 Task Force member Jeff Puhlmann-Becker says that’s why we need to be careful about balancing the need to reopen with the realty of the toll COVID-19 could take. “This is probably going to come back in the fall that’s when the Spanish Flu got so bad when it came back in the fall it came back with a vengeance. I think we are better equipped today and we are smarter, but we would be wise to not get ahead of ourselves.” Puhlmann-Becker says it’s not that we shouldn’t be reopening, but we should be methodical and data-driven about how we do it and be prepared in the fall.

Congressman Grothman Stimulus Spending

Congressman Glenn Grothman says although he voted for the latest stimulus spending bill to help the country out during the COVID-19 outbreak, there was too much spending included in the bill. “First of all it is just a lot more spending. We’re approaching $3 trillion spent on the virus and that’s about maybe $9,000 for every man, woman and child in the country which is a lot of money given that we are only about two months into the situation.” He also feels that not every business that was given financial help needed it. The federal lawmaker from Glenbeulah says some businesses are actually doing better as a result of the situation we are in. Grothman says he voted for the bill to help out the businesses that needed help, but hadn’t received it yet.

Incident Command Team Explained

As it would tackle any disaster, Green Lake County has an Incident Command Team to address the COVID-19 health crisis. County Health Officer Cathy Munsey is the Incident Commander for this particular team, which is also comprised of other county officials including the Director of Human Services, the Sheriff, the County Board Chairman, the County Administrator, and the Emergency Management Director. Munsey says each team member has a role in keeping certain sectors of the community up-to-date on what they are doing. “Like the schools or the faith-based community, the businesses, our health care facilities including our long-term care facilities like nursing homes. So we try and keep in touch with everybody including the businesses, the taverns just to make sure that everybody is on the same page with where we are at and where they need to be as well.” She says the Incident Command Team is involved in planning and non-pharmaceutical intervention.

Tips Needed

The Waupaca County Sheriff’s Department is looking for tips from the public on a rash of thefts and/or damage to road signs in the Town of Caledonia. Anyone who may have information is urged to contact the Sheriff’s Office by calling (715) 258-4466. You should make reference to case W20-05680.

Food Grant Winners

A Fond du Lac County meat processor is among the nine winners of state grants for local food projects. Salchert Market of St. Cloud is among the grant winners for the Buy Local, Buy Wisconsin Program administered by the state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. Salchert will use the funds to establish an effective brand and brand strategy and an operational food safety program, developing a sales model to be shared with other meat processors or meat markets. The nine projects selected will share $300,000 in funding.

To read more click here.

Scholarship Winners Announced

Envision Greater Fond du Lac’s Agri-Business Council has selected the winners of the 2020 Fond du Lac Area Agri-Business Council Scholarship and the Fond du Lac Area Foundation Harold Reinecke Scholarship. Among the scholarship winners were Laconia High School Seniors Keegan Bruins, Kaylee Mess, and Cayley Vande Berg. Waupun Area High School Senior Katrina Pokorny was named the winner of the Harold Reincke Scholarship. Other scholarship winners include Lomira High School Senior Elizabeth Ries and New Holstein High School Senior Katlynn Steffes.

To read more click here.


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